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ground pounder

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Everything posted by ground pounder

  1. Search on bikerscout.net. - they handle that costume
  2. Butt joining is THE way to go - no problems! Depends on your body size as to how much you have to trim off the AM. I had to trim quite a lot to get a good fit, especially off the thighs.
  3. I put the red X side down for mine - it fit my body best having the lower back small and then flaring out for mid back. Plus keeps everything tight in the back area when the armor is completely on.
  4. I also went with silver - I like the way it matches the silver eyes
  5. Keep trimming small, then try it on walk around and see what it feels like. Like Izzi said everyone is different
  6. Yeah I also trimmed a lot off the return edge on the bottom because of the 'bite'. I also remember having to cut a small notch at the back of the thighs. I also had to shorten the calves to fit as well.
  7. I ended up trimming off the tops of the thighs for mine. Don't remember how much though
  8. Have fun with the build - feel free to ask any questions if you have them. We sure are getting a lot of new builds lately!
  9. I got the AFX Fast Shield from here http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/69/11378/ITEM/AFX-Fast-Shield.aspx works perfectly!
  10. AM armoir is tricky to trim to get to fit your body. Well not exactly tricky but tedious. I ended up trimming the sides of the chest off, as well as the trimming back the neck opening of the chest. I also trimmed the back piece quite a bit. Lots of trimming, test fitting, trimming...until I thought it was right (based off my TE2 armor). I think John's armor is good enough to pass clearance - but your armor could be trimmed further for a better fit. My suggestion is raising the chest and back piece and getting the butt/lower back pieces pulled down because it looks like the upper back is too low and the lower back/butt is too high. Just my thoughts Here's a pic of the side of mine trimmed And here is the back of mine
  11. Looks great! You might want to drop the forearms down a little to cover more of elbow/arm area though.
  12. Looks great. Great job! The metal plates remind me of the metal plates I made for my wife's ANH Leia belt.
  13. Great job on the boots! And great purchase with the DLT19. That is one awesome piece of art, IMO. They do a great job!
  14. Just wanted to ask if anyone knows exact details about the origins/history of the shadow stormtroopers? I have read the wiki about them but wondered if there was anything else about them . I want to make sure I know all about them so that when I wear my TX I can accurately talk about why I am a black stormtrooper. Also thought it would be good to have a thread here on SpecOps talking about this.
  15. Welcome aboard! Shadow stormtrooper is a great looking kit. Great to have another (future) TX onboard.
  16. Nice job. I like the defined, sharp edges.
  17. Congrats! MIne was approved a couple days ago as well! Nice to see the ranks growing!
  18. Completed!!!! Added tube stripes last night. Test fitted this morning! Going with my DLT19 instead of E11. I like the big guns! Still will tweak a little more - mostly on the thighs so they fit better and don't bite so much in teh back of the knee when I walk. Then need to find a troop to debut it (just not in the sun!).
  19. Worked on the TD this past week. Here the finished TD: Decided to go with bent plastic clips to hold the TD on the belt. I liked this option better so that it can't come off while trooping. It is very secure once on the belt! The above pic shows it on the belt.
  20. I just hand painted mine yesterday with acyrlic paint, color is silver chrome. Worked well for me
  21. Haven't had much time to get the last thing finished...the TD. Hoping to soon. Been plugging away on the helmet. Everything is done except the tube stripes. Here was the test fit today
  22. You mean straps from the chest to the back? No. Just shoulder straps and straps attaching the chest to the ab.
  23. Everything dried overnight. Put on the armor again with belt this time: Pulled out the hand plates and of course ran out of velcro. Seems that is the way this build has gone, nothing ever seems to go exactly as planned!
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