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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Klwl

  1. I just peed myself a bit..... This is too cool for skewl, great work and holy fast too.
  2. Looking to soon purchase my helmet and wanted some feedback from some of the members that currently own helmets for comfort and accuracy. Heck maybe we can even change this into a comparison thread for the helmets as well. cheers
  3. what are you printing out in ABS, PLA? ABS will shrink some and as for size I'm guessing it's relative to your own body size really but that is looking suhweet!
  4. That's still a fantastic start with all those files (potentially), can't wait to have more progression!
  5. yes!!!! I will be getting my printer hopefully shortly, would you be willing to share the files or perhaps a collaboration to have the files printed? Either way looking forward to your progress...
  6. you are my hero ..... this looks great, keep it coming.
  7. looks like a decent start, pep always makes me cringe...
  8. well done everyone, we just need armor to tag along all these wonderful pieces!
  9. yes sir you did an amazing job on this. Congrats!! I hope you plan on casting some up?? cheers
  10. he traced his hand on the monitor and it stayed....somewhat. Any pics of some of the parts? :tie:
  11. I'm trying so hard not to watch too many trailers of the movie but dam it makes it hard when I see things like this, definitely lights! cool factor just went up!
  12. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  13. they sell them online at one of my suppliers sites and price isn't terrible. http://www.uline.ca/...Uw&gclsrc=aw.ds I still think the air tanks are more accurate, but if these did work they would be very light indeed and easier to cast?
  14. ok wasn't sure if there were any changes. cheers
  15. wonderfully done! Is there a way to have them somewhat lined up so we can have a view ot the finished product or at least where it's at? sorry to be a PIA!
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