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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Klwl

  1. are there any free templates out there that anyone is aware of?
  2. Well I'm currently lower than everyone else with their build. I have no helmet, but I am attempting to sculpt my own parts (I'm no sculptor). I will at least start with the smaller bits and bobbles until someone else gets further head. So here we begin I give you the hand plates.... Sweet huh? I am currently selling these for a tidy profit of $39.95 + shipping. What you don't like them?!?!?!?!? ok ok I Just started the above was merely for comedic purposes only. to be continued...
  3. that's isn't a horrible price if it gets the ball rolling. I have no skills when it comes to casting or molding but I'd be in to help out in any way I can.
  4. well there is plenty of time before any armor sees the light of day the movie will confirm things either way.
  5. how pricey? I think if we can confirm they are the correct size I would definitely chip in to get one to get cast?
  6. I'm confused by these 2 images... top image appears only have back butt and thigh parts but the lower appears to have 2 individual parts for the butt area?
  7. the more I look at scuba tank tops the more I'm leaning towards something similar that is heavily modified.
  8. I would say based on this image it does appear to be a standard 2" gauge. Anyone else care to chime in?
  9. I haven't looked too much at the boots but is it possible that's velcro sticking out at the bottom on the boot holding the foot guards in place?
  10. I had a friend who's a modeler see if he could scale the tanks for me and he said based on the 2" pressure gauge the tanks appear to be closer to 7" in size!!!!!
  11. hmm, I'm wondering about everyone's consensus on size of tanks, I just don't think 5" tanks are correct. Looking at the tanks can we agree they somewhat overlap into one another? Based on this and your 5" tanks with the middle being 3" with an overlap of say an inch on either side you are looking at a span of 13" from end to end? I'm not the broadest shouldered dude on the planet but that seems a bit thin? I'm going to try and do some mock ups with some PVC tubing just to check.
  12. apologies if these have been posted. Here is my contribution....
  13. agreed must see these candy coated pics! I'm salivating, ever since I seen the first pics online of the flametrooper I know I had to do one. I don't have the stature for it but who cares!!!
  14. based on the pic I've posted I do see some subtle differences, I will check the other thread and see if I can add anything. cheers
  15. Thought this might also add some value to the thread. I have few others.
  16. how is the fit on the old bean, is it correctly proportionate?
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