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Everything posted by gattirenata
That helps a lot chef! Thank goodness I didn't cut the pouches yet! I have no clue where I put my fabric! another reason why u hate taking so long to work on a costume. I can't find the fabric for the pouches and the suede. And the butt flap I already sewed I was soooo freaking pissed. I looked everywhere. It's not like it grew legs and walked away but I gave up looking and gonna buy new ones! But I'll get the measurements from my chest piece to the belt to make sure it's good like that!!!! I already made the cumberbatch. I'm not very "curvatious" lmao Sad but true. The difference between torso waist and hips aren't that big of a deal so I just made it straight. Lol It may be kind of sad as a girl but it definitely makes fitting these costumes much easier. Like with my TK.... I read some girls had issues with the butt plates sticking out because of the curve.... I did NOT have that issue! AT ALL! Lol I'll try to send pics today so you guys can see.
Yeeey I'm back again today!!!!! I looked around for my phone of pattern for the pouches and I couldn't find it. Believe me going through my patterns again and again and maybe even my fabric buns would take so much longer than making new patterns. Hahahah So I just made new ones. I followed the studio creations measurements BUT I reduced it a tad bit!!! Cause I have a much smaller frame so I think it will look better on me. But I also don't want them to look small! Does it make sense!?!? So for example... The front and back height said 17.75cm I just did 17.5cm The "length" said 15.5cm and I did 15. Like I said. Just a little bit. I'm not even sure if it will make too much of a difference. But as long as it looks proportional I'm cool with it
Hey guys! My pup isn't 100% just yet It's kind of hard. Sometimes I can't tell if he is bored, depressed (from just being crated and not able to play and go for a nice walk) or if he is being too guarded because he remembers the pain, or if he is really in pain! But what really stopped me a lot from getting back to this build was the mess in my apartment. My tiny place is tiny and macs new HUGE crate took half of it. I also made the mistake of setting it up in a way I couldn't get to my sewing table. But I fixed that issue this weekend! I also quickly finished the cumberbatch and fixed the best collar, added the Velcro! Hopefully I can finish all the sewing this weekend. I feel like I have soooooo little left to do and just can't get to it! Fingers crossed that this weekend I can!
Thank you!!!! We got the results and things aren't as simple but it seems they are good news. The vet believes he has 2 mild conditions (one he was born with and we just found out because of the MRI) that together are causing intense pain. But they are not treatable and none are life threatening. Just really painful. We were able to get him specific medication and the vet told me I should see improvement quickly. I just didn't believe it would be so quick. One dose of the medication and he was already acting differently! More himself. What a huge relief. I got my boots this week and I didn't even have the desire to open the package! That's how bad I was! Hopefully I can get back on track now that he is on the mend. I definitely need the distraction. And it's so sad that I am so close to done and can't finish it!
Thanks Todd! It doesn't really seem likely tho. Today was a nightmare of a day that started at 3am with him screaming in pain. We were referred to a neurologist and it looks like he needs surgery. he will have an MRI done Wednesday to see what it will need to be done. But he is in a lot of pain and very uncomfortable so they think surgery Is the way to go I couldn't even drive today he just screamed in the car. I literally left my car where lever we were and called an uber.
Alright!!!!! Done!!!! Sorry for the disappearance lol I had to focus on something a bit more important (also legion related of course! Lol cause that's how I roll!!!!! Lol) But now I feel I can get back to the costume! Just ordered the boots (last one on the list as you guys suggested) And next week I'll order the gloves!!!! Hopefully I will have some more update pics this weekend
I can't wait to see me in that scout either!!!! But I confess I didn't do much this past weekend. I had an event (you know... What we do! Hahaha) then little trouble with my car made me get to the party late! People were not building anymore and I just felt bad to make stop eating and stuff to help me with my helmet Maybe this weekend I'll get there on time! But I'm ordering the gloves and boots this weekend and will be officially done with the buying part of this costume! YEEEY! Hahah But I need help with the boots! These were the ones I found and posted on my first post! I know that the ones that have the grey part on the sole will need to be painted black! I guess depending on the material a permanent sharpie can even do the trick right??? So here they are Boots http://www.amazon.com/Soda-Womens-Equity-S-Padded-Black/dp/B00MLO5TUE/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1451678853&sr=8-3&keywords=women%27s+black+work+boots http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SLYGC3G/ref=twister_B00UXZ4GMA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 http://www.amazon.com/Womens-Combat-Padded-Hiking-Shoes/dp/B014AS1ZLU/ref=sr_1_97?ie=UTF8&qid=1451679220&sr=8-97-spons&keywords=women%27s+black+work+boots&psc=1 http://www.amazon.com/Reneeze-JACKIE-01-Womens-Mid-Calf-Double/dp/B00MWEH6AO/ref=sr_1_144?ie=UTF8&qid=1451679333&sr=8-144&keywords=women%27s+black+work+boots The last one is my least favorite but it's the only one I found that has a shorter heel! But if the other ones wouldn't be an issue it could be nice to be some tiny inches taller Hahahha What you guys think? And gloves just gonna order them from wampa wear as they seem the ones that every one trusts and gets!!! and also they don't need to be worked on right?!? Sewing gloves are a pain lol I have a 3 day weekend this weekend. So far there nothing going on and no events that I can recall so I will lock myself, binge watch daredevil while I work on this! Lots of sewing!!!!! Lol
And you guys have no idea how much I played on the snow!!!! LOVE IT!!!! I am now going to my COs place for a costume building night. Not just Star Wars tho, but they are going to help me with the helmet. I'm too scared of drilling those holes on my own! :/ I got my blaster yesterday!!!!! Soooooo pretty! I'll post pics in a sec. For some reason it is t working! Tomorrow I'll be sewing everything I have to sew! Velcro and make the pouched. Then all I have left is finishing the belt. Hopefully next week I can decide on a pair of boots. I haven't yet!!!!! I get the pics side by side and let you know my concerns. And see what you guys think! I'm at calcimine changing oil in my car before I get on the road to finally finish my helmet! It's weird tho. It seems like this is it. Helmet! Finish the belt! Finish sewing (Velcro on vest and cumberbatch, fix neckline, sew patch on the pants and attach the butt flap that I already sewed. Prob gonna use snaps so I can take it of to wash the suit. See the pouches) And then the boots. That's it! My only experience with armor was my tk and took me 5 months! I'm in awe that I'm almost done with this one! Cannot wait!!!!!!
I'm a nanny! My boss was away for 4 days last week so I had to be here at 6am until her husband got home at the end of the day. Usually super late. Some days were less, some were more. But it always happens on the same week in January. Lol it's a company conference. So I'm used to it and expect it every year. But this year! Darn! Being sick and having to get out of bed when it's still dark out. And freezing???? It was a pain! I got sick around Xmas. But it was a virus of sorts. The doctor didn't even call it a cold. But it was a relative. And the. I was ok for a week and then got sick again! And it was all because the kids got sick first! it's been pretty annoying. Hope you feel better too Steve!!!!! I find super annoying to be sick! Just a pain in the ass. :/
Hey guys!!!!!! So sorry! This cold beat me up like! Badly! And I had to work 14 hours a day on top of that! I was dead to the world! Much much much better now but I have to go away for this weekend so won't be able to work on it! I miss it! It looks at me and says come love me!!!!! Lol But next week hopefully I will be back on track! I have a troop on the 29th and I was hoping to have it ready for it definitely not gonna!
Thanks!!! It was def a good day of work! But now I'm done for today! I've been literally working on this for almost 12 hours! Wow! So besides sewing all the Velcro and finishing up putting the elastic on the arm, forearm, knee, doing the T straps and and cotton straps for the shoulders, attaching the tank to the back plate, I also made the flak vest And finished the new cumberbatch with 5 ribs on the front instead of 6 as suggested by chef!!!! I also realized I don't have 2" Velcro and I was told it needs to be that size for the cumberbatch! Same size for the vest I assume?!? Now time to go relax a bit!!!!!
Ok so, silly me I finally unscrew the little bits and what I thought it was a meta washer is actually attached to the nut. (I was like damn why do I need a big plastic washer and a little metal one and where do they go in that order!?? Lol) Then the square part. Why is it square. Geez lol So that's what got me confused as well cause I was wondering if I had to cut a square hole to fit that one inside. So thanks griffin! The answer is yes. So weird tho. I may just get the other one because I don't want to cut a square :/ Aaww and I wanted to finish the helmet his weekend! Now gonna have to wait! In the mean time tho lots of progress here. I made the black strap of fabric for the shoulder, the T straps following pandas tutorial. And here it is I also riveted the elastic on the knee. Had t heat it up a bit and close it up like I did with the forearm! I realized it don't have cotton webbing for the drop boxes and 1" elastic. So I ordered those! Thank goodness for Amazon prime. I'll get it by Sunday! Going to work on the new cumberbatch now!
I'm home today which is great! I allowed myself to stay in bed until 9am hahah and then got back to work! Finished putting the tank! Jeff trimmed it so nicely this the are no big gaps at all Looks nice right?!? And it's exactly the same in both sides so I'll just post one pic! Lol Last night I glued all the Velcro on the upper arm, forearm, knee... I forgot to do it on the shoulder hahah gonna do it now! The pieces are not "too" big on me over the flightsuit but still a bit big. So I heated the upper arm and forearm and curved it a little more closer to my size. The forearm is quite big tho. It could use a good trim. But I'm afraid of trimming into details. So I just did a tiny bit on the very very edge. Less than 3/8" on each side! A total of 5/8" on each piece. Then I heated and curved a bit more to my arm. Much better now. I'll take pics after I sew the Velcro to the straps! I'm setting everything up so I can have all the pieces that need to be sewn and do it at one go! What's annoying is that I keep forgetting the sizes of straps and elastic to every piece hahah I made notes of course and keep it here but every time I have to look up again cause I forget. They couldn't make anything easy for us and do all one size huh?!? Nooooo! Hahaha
Omg my heart FROZE! DUUUUUUUDE!!!! Don't do this to me!!!!!!!! O.o Yes! I am obsessed! Hahahha And I am loving working on this! It's a bummer I have to work all day Hahahah otherwise I'd work on it every day all day long! So! I'm still working on the helmet. Put on the lenses, cause I figured it would be easier to do it before the front and back are attached. Blobs of hot glue! That's what I've seen most people doing. I made big blobs! Really afraid if they are smaller the lenses would just fall off! Oooh and I have no idea if makes a difference in this case or not but... I lightly sanded the area around the eyes (on the inside) then wiped off the dust with rubbing alcohol. Just to make sure the hot glue would really adhere to it. On my tk the mesh on the inside came off a few times (attached with blobs of hot glue as well!) So I figured I'd try something different this time. Also I almost freaked out here. Totally the reason why I was having nightmares I guess. I glued the visor to the front and on one side, the side edge of the visor met the side of the face completely. But on the other side the face was around 1/4" bigger. O.o I didn't take pictures. I forgot in the middle of my freak out. But this is the area I'm taking about (but in this picture it's fixed already) I was afraid I glued it wrong and somehow not centered, and that's why it was different. I got home from work and sat down again to look at it and noticed there was a line, probably where it should be trimmed. I put back and front together and it wasn't marching because of that extra area so I took a deep breath and BAM! Cut that baby off! Lol Damn!!!! Will trimming EVER stop being scary???? Now it sits much better on the other half but when I was about to screw it together I looked into the bag and saw these for the first time! Omg omg what do I do with these????????? Please somebody help!!! It seems like a super large hole I'll have to drill to make this fit in there (scary too) Please help! Iso while I wait here for your help I'm going to cut all the slots, glue velcros where they need to go so tomorrow I will see all the other Velcro parts to their respective elastic!!!! Oh! I'm off tomorrow! Yeeey! Gonna work on it all day long! .
Questions regarding boot/gloves
gattirenata replied to fueledbychar's topic in Armor/Soft Parts and Where to Find Them
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Calling all Shadow Stormtrooper builders!
gattirenata replied to DeathMOS30's topic in Shadow Stormtrooper
Sounds like a good plan!!!! Lol -
Idk but I think these days everyone is sort of tight on money hahaha especially when it means spending this much on a hobby right?!? What I do is this! Making a costume takes a lot planning and research. And even learning some skills and techniques you didn't know before. I would even say you don't need to super artistic! Just need to follow instructions to a t! Lol While I'm researching and planning and reading everything I can find about it, I also start saving up money! Sometimes, depending on the costume, I saved up for a whole year! And after some money saved I decide what to do first: go on and get whatever is the most expensive right off the bat ( in this case it would be the armor kit) or take a little bit at a time from my savings to gather all the smaller, less expensive bits (that all together cost a good amount of $) This helps a lot! And when I finally saved enough money for it I have also acquired some level of knowledge on it, laid out my building plans, and definitely feel a bit more confident in starting the build. I remember practicing inserting a pop rivet (had never done it before and worse, didn't even know what that was until I got my tk lol) for a couple of days before I was brave enough time do it on my armor Hahahah The best advice I can give you is take your time. Save up so you can get exactly what you want, and not just because it's cheap! You know what I mean?!? I saved up for 2 years to make my Disney parks inspired princess Tiana costume. I think to this day it's probably the most expensive costume I have.m due to the $40 a yard fabric I used (and I still had to dye it and add some texture to it, and I used 8.5 yards) and it was just one of the 5 different types of fabric I used! Plus accessories, shoes, wig(s) o.O Costuming, being that in the legion or not, is not a cheap hobby! At all! But it's worth it that's for sure!!!
Calling all Shadow Stormtrooper builders!
gattirenata replied to DeathMOS30's topic in Shadow Stormtrooper
As a very very newbie building armor, I think that's not really a big deal! Any tutorial with visuals it's an amazing help good star when you have no clue what to do!!!!! Videos or step by step pictures are how I was able to put my tk together. I did know that the snaps x Velcro was a personal preference, as well as strapping system, etc etc but having the visuals made it so much easier to make my decision on what to use on mine. So yeah! I am in total favor for you experts to make tutorial videos!!!!! yes please!!!