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Everything posted by gattirenata
They are awful aren't they?!? Those ears!!!! And to make things worse for me I had no idea they were left and right o.O so OF COURSE!!!!!!! I put the first one completely on the wrong side and battled with it for day because it didn't fit properly and the gaps were huge! Of course they were. It was the WRONG SIDE! But even the right one was leaving a gap! :/ AAARRRGG! Alright guys! Some little progress tonight!!!! I was brave and glued the helmet Visor to front Top to back Clamped/earth magnet everything and now just gotta wait!!!! I also sanded the belt and it the holes for the straps! Geez that was annoying. I didn't want to use the cutting thingie on my dremel cause it scares me... But there was no other way! And thank goodness for the little skinny filing things I got last time. They worked great to sand the hole. (Forgot to take a pic! Lol) I taped the chest to the back to measure and see how much I had to cut off. I will take a picture of it to see what you guys think of where the armor sits on my to see if I need to bring it up some more. I'm so that over the weekend. I also sanded and rounded the edges just a tiny bit. I worked on the shoulder bells the exactly same way from Pandas tutorial. But they were a bit too long for my so I trimmed off 1/2" I always put a tape, marking the line to cut to be sure! Lol And then I glued the top piece to the tank. I want to do that L bracket from pandas tutorial but I don't have black abs. Just white. I don't think it will be seen at all! When the top is dried I'll try it out and but if it's an issue I'll have to paint it cause I have no clue how to attach the tank using any other method! That was all for today!
Toddo nope! I honestly would have died if that was the case. I've seen that and I was shaking in fear Hahahah I wouldn't be able to do a perfect seam ever!!!! Lol SC helmet comes in 4 pieces! Back, top, face and visor. It also came with everything to make the chin strap. But that's it! My tk ears were the end of me. Thank goodness for my garrison peeps. We had a party at my COs house and I brought it up there and the guys finished it for me. This one seems so much simpler. I was going to glue it! I felt super brave! But since no one has confirmed here that I'm right on what to glue to what I lost my courage. Hahahha Gonna wait a bit longer. I gotta be at work at 7am tomorrow and I just got home so I'm gonna do my best to not touch it tonight! Lol
Oh duh! You are right! They prob do around here as well and I just didn't pay attention to that! Silly me! I'll make some tests this weekend with doubling it up. Maybe I'll do it just on the stripes. I also read people did 1" stripes. I made them a little smaller otherwise the pouches would be under my armpits Hahahha But now with being just 5 I can totally do 1" each. Chef!i went through you helmet build on your site and I found another one as well.omg I'm so glad I didn't glue anything last night! So the visor is glued to the front?!? The top is glued to the back?!? Then both pieces bolted together on the top area that is clearly marked... Right?!? That's it?!? I feel it's so much simpler and easier than my tk helmet that I have that weird feeling I'm doing something wrong. 😳
Toddo haha thank you!!! It definitely seems like it will be a much faster build than my tk was! So that's pretty exciting!!! Not sure I'll be able to do much today because I need to stop at Home Depot to get drill bits and some other stuff! Chef!i posted so many pics and forgot to post the one I promised Hahahah Here Close up of the ribs And one of the crotch detail. They are there and visible but not as puffy. What you think?!? The batting I got is for quilting. So it's basically one thickness I think. I've never seen batting intended for anything else at the stores I usually shop. But if needed be I can double it up! Let me know what you guys think! Thank you sooooi much for the help! You guys rock!
Toddo! Hahaha yeah! I am like that too. And when I sleep... I dream of working on it! Hahahha it's insane! And yeah! Can you imagine how the flightsuit would be if Maltese shed?!? Hahaha o.O GriffinX I had no idea Lou made those blaster! Yeeey and it looks so pretty! Al!!! Hahahha yeah! Omg I remember when I finally finished my tk! I was soooooooooo happy but at the same time it was a weird feeling to not have to work on it anymore. I missed it!!!!! Ok now hold on for progress updates! I seriously got home thinking "oooh I'll just wash the armor tonight!" Hahah yeah right! I just couldn't get myself away from it! Hahaha So yeah! I washed it all with mild soap and cold water! Rinsed it really well to make sure there was no soap residue! Then dried piece by piece with a paper towel to avoid water marks. So pretty and shiny isn't it?!? I read somewhere around here that someone had some issues with the bubble wrapping leaving some marks on the armor. After I read that I took all wrapping from the pieces afraid that would happen if I just left everything wrapped until I started working on them. I didn't see any marking, but I guess I didn't look well enough. The bubble marks were only on the belt part (only one of the pieces that come separate. Washing made it look better a bit but they were still there! I was very surprised with myself cause I didn't freaked out one bit!!!! Lol I used the novus 2 and voila!!!! Beautiful and shiny and no bubble marks at all! Then I said I was going to stop and continue tomorrow! YEAH RIGHT!!!! Hahahah I decided to cut the visor area from the helmet! Soooo glad It came with the line marking exactly where I had to cut! Pretty helpful right?!? I used my dremmel to just cut a small hole to start. I love my dremmel but it's scary! I didn't want to mess it up!!! Ooohhh and I forgot all about the abs smell when we cut it with a dremmel! Sooooo good! Lol I finished cutting off with my lexan scissors (also forgot how weak my hands are o.O. Ouch) What do you guys think???? Don't mind the dust on it! And then I said to myself: ok now be done for the night! Lol Nope! I haven't seen yet around here many, or any at all, detailed explanation on how to put the helmet together, and I wasn't even sure how the pieces go, but I started playing with it anyways to see how the pieces are together. And I taped it just have an idea. First the top to the back. That was tough. I had no idea exactly what side of the top was front or back Hahahah I played around with it and then realized it's pretty obvious! It fits nicely One side on the inside And the other side Then I taped the front. Then the visor I think there were some parts that weren't as close together because it was just taped. But it still looked kind of nice. No huge gaps anywhere. I guess that's good right?!? And I can put it on without opening the front! And I still didn't stop after after that! I decided to put the belt together! I followed pandatrooper's tutorial for it! Just cause I named myself his padawan Hahahah I already had panda's handy dandy tool that I used on my tk! And belt glued on both sides. I always tape it together too for some reason and then put the clamps. And then after that I stopped. Cleaned up and done for the night! Finally!!!!
Lol thank you! I'm just sooo excited! I'm here at work and I can't wait to get home and work on something. I prob won't have much time during the week anyways. But when I get home tonight I want to at least wash the pieces. I heard that's a good thing to do to make sure we clear out any release agents that may prevent the Velcro pieces from sticking well to the abs. Honestly I'm not sure if it's true BUT it won't hurt right?!? I did rinse off all my tk pieces so I'm planning on doing that tonight!
Yeah I may do that (pick out the stitches and reuse the fabric. I'm just lazy to do the picking Hahahah But I did make it taller than that! :/ Idk why I thought that the flak vest went over the cummerbund so it would hide the top. But then JIm explained to me it goes under it and it would be able to be seen on the sides. Oh well! Ok I was thinking about putting sort of suspenders on, to avoid anymore snaps. They hate me! But I like the Velcro idea better than the suspenders to also help keep the armor in place! One more question! My center lines weren't as nice and puffy like that.. (When I get home I'll take a pic) did you double up in the batting inside?!? Or was it just one layer? Does it make a difference? I mean you can see the lines, it's NOT flat at all, but not as much as yours. The batting I find here is all in the same thickness! And!!!! Continuing on small progress I just bought the pistol from Lou in the ECG!!!! I guess as buying goes now I just need to buy the gloves and the boots! I may stop the buying this month and save up some for those!!! Lol
Randy! It is shiny and beautiful!!!!! I am so in love with it!!! Lol I know some of you guys prefer it a satin black but I ALWAYS loved the shine! Lol Chef!!! Thank you so much for the info!I actually finished the cummerbund but I thought I was being super smart by making it a bit taller (to make sure it stays tucked in under the armor without having to put snaps or the likes) I sent a picture to a CTG member who just got in with a biker scout and he said no no lol And explained to me why. I was going to just cut it shorter, but now I'll just make a new one (thank goodness for my fabric hoarding issues! Hahahah ) So I'll make the new one with 5 ribs! I got a pic with the flightsuit but you can't see much hahah all black it's hard to see some of the details especially when it's a selfie. I haven't done the riding patch yet, and I left the top pockets as suggested. I am thinking here since that part will be covered anyways to embroider an imperial cog on the left side pocket ( over my heart! Hahaha yeah cheesy I know lol) with a shiny black thread! Just because! What you guys think?!? And sort of off topic! So hard to work on stuff when my dog is around! He decided to take a nap on my flightsuit and I felt bad waking him up so I could put it on again Hahahah silly pup
Thanks!!! I hate snaps! Seriously! I had so many issues with my tk!!!! And the worse of it all for me is depending on people to have free time to come over and help me because I just couldn't do it! But tks have too many snaps hahah With my shadow scout I am going to try to follow pandatrooper's belt idea. That's why I will need the snaps. I liked the idea of the drop boxes straps being able to move when I move. I don't think it will make much difference on the front because of how the straps go through the slots on the belt, but I have the impression that in the back is a great idea!!! So I will try! I bought a new little pliers thing. Different than the one I had from joanns. I'm hoping it will help!!!!! Now the fun has begun here!!!! The flightsuit wasn't too bad at all. MAYBE I could do some more taking in on the legs! They are still super baggy! But I'm gonna leave it like that for now! I don't have pics of it just yet but I will take some to show you guys! Mandarin collar done. I hope that small seam is not a problem. The length of the pieces of fabric I had weren't long enough to go all the way around without a seam. So I made like an extension where the Velcro is! I still need to attach the suede and elastic straps but for now I put the suit aside for a sec and worked on the cummerbund pattern to fit my size. Gonna cut the fabric after a quick trip to Michaels! I did my "gathering of the tools" (they were all in the garage since I finished my tk) And realized I need more E6000. I probably won't have time to go to Michaels during the week, so even tho I don't think I'm gonna need it today I'm going to get it anyways!!!! I am pretty happy that this time around I don't need to worry about buying tools!when I made my tk a good part of my budget went to buying those. Because I had absolutely NOTHING!!!! It was awesome to just have to go to the garage and get them!
Ok I still have questions about that Hahahah but hold on just a second so I can have a super duper excited moment here!!!! Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg OMG omg omg omg omg ITS HERE!!!! So fast I can't even believe it really arrived. And omg can I say something here!!!! Superb job! So nicely packed and organized and BEAUTIFUL armor!!! Sooooooo smooth and perfect!!!!! I love it!!!! SC rocks!!!and instructions! All the hardware, decals, every bits and pieces! Nicely trimmed as well! I am sooo happy right now!!!! The flightsuit also arrived!!!!! I already took off the pockets and put it in the wash. (Cause I have issues and I can't wear anything without washing it first! Lol) Tomorrow I'm going to work on that! I went to joanns and got the marine vinyl for the boots, suede and o got more heavy cotton for the cumberbatch. I have some but I have issues with fabric! Haha I always think I need more. So I got another yard just in case!!!! I got jersey for the best! I was just going to make it out of a tshirt but then I was there anyways. Found this nice jersey and oh well! (Fabric issues remember?!?) When I made my neckseal for my tk I found this cool soft but thick fabric that gave that nice ribbed effect when I sewed it. But it's soft and soooo comfortable. So much better than the ones with the plastic inside. I never found that fabric again, so I was just planning on using my tk one with the scout but I ended up finding the fabric today! Yeeeeey I got another small piece to make a couple extra just in case! I really really just want to go there and start working on something Hahahah but I'm gonna wait and do it tomorrow! I'm gonna say it again: IM SO EXCITEEEEED!!!!
Thanks for the tips Griffin!!! Yes! But it's a good busy! Lol I missed this building/making legion costume excitement. I think the last one I made was my tk almost 3 years ago! So I am really super excited! Going to Joan's today to buy the suede, vinyl and other little stuff!! Like elastic and straps!!! I think I can make the boots. My only problem now is to find the right sole in my size!!!! And also about your answer on the other thread. The helmet. This is what I meant. So even if there's no mesh on the ears the whole should be cut out right?!? And then I have no idea what means the black material added or painted. So I guess there's no helmet tutorial out there right?!? I've seen some comments about but they left to tk helmet assembly like the ones from trooperbay.
Todd, i liked the idea Pandatrooper did for the belt. he used snaps for the dropboxes straps so they can have movement... i think that's pretty much the only place i can remember id need snaps. that joan's tool you mentioned is a blue one???? i have had serious issues with that thing. i just can't do it right and the "knobie" center always ends up too raised up and then the snaps won't close. pain in the butt. =/ Walt, the boots are not really a big concern in the part that i can make it and all. im just concerned about the sole itself. that is something i can't change much. i do want to carve out the grooves as Todd mentioned but i just wan't to make sure that little heel won't be a problem. the men's boots don't have that much heel. =)
thank Randy. And about the size, i have no idea. i thought it was like an overall size. cause it doesn't say much. it only has the dropbox for sizes and goes 34, 36, 38.... i just picked the smallest size hahhaa i am NOT familiar AT ALL with men's size besides S, M, L hahahaha i was thinking anyways of deconstructing the suit regardless so i could sew the riding patch better. i even have a serger so i can give the nice finish on the inside. it's just a lot more work! and i dont want to start working on the armor until i get the flightsuit sized down correctly.
Hey everyone!!!! so!!!! i have been lurking around here for a while now, and decided to finally start this thread to post my progress and get some advice from you expert people!!!! =) first, i have to say... im not very good at building armor lol but that doesn't stop me! AT ALL! i built my TK a couple of years ago and it was fun!!!! i realized i just need visuals!!!! that helps me a lot to understand better what to do with all those tools!!!! =P i have been reading Pandatrooper's build thread over and over again!!!! his TK build helped me a lot. doesn't he make everything look so easy?!?! lol Anyways... so let me do this in order and ask my questions for every bit of the costume!!! =D ARMOR I ordered my SC kit this past week and according to the tracking info it will be arriving tomorrow. im not really counting on it because of the holiday, but who knows!?! maybe i will get lucky. i am pretty happy with my choice. it's been a really great experience dealing with SC and i looked around here and the pathfinder and saw that everyone who gets an SC kit is pretty happy with the quality! so i just can't wait to start working on it!!!!! FLIGHTSUIT i bought the RedKap flightsuit on amazon. i honestly don't know if RedKap has different types of suits, but i bought the one that seemed to have less stuff. (like pockets and zippers) and amazon also says it will be arriving tomorrow. (i don't think i would be able to work on the armor without fitting it over the flightsuit, so im glad i got it now and it's arriving with the armor itself) http://smile.amazon....ailpage_o01_s00 i only found men's sizes and bought the smallest one. i have NO CLUE how big is a men's 34! but im 5'2" and around 100lbs. o.O i doubt it will be small on me. and if it's too big, i am pretty savvy with a sewing machine. taking it in wont really be an issue. my only question about the flightsuit is... there are pockets on it that will be hidden under the armor... even the back pockets will end up hidden under the butt flap... should i remove them anyways? is that what everyone does? GLOVES on my research around here and the pathfinder, i found only one vendor that seems to have a size small. http://www.wampawear...t=0&sort=normal i am not even going to pretend i can make one or modify one the way it needs to be. ive heard good things about these gloves and vendor, i was just wondering if there are cheaper ones out there. they look great, don't get me wrong and i honestly think the price is fair... it's just that... i confess... it's hurting my heart to pay 58 bucks... ahaha i will but... you know... i just feel i should look round a bit more. CUMMERBUND omg you guys have no idea how i don't like this name. hahahaha i actually call it Cumberbatch! seriously!!!! i will try not do it here, but if i forget!!! don't mind me hahaha and you know i mean the cummerbund. o.O i got a pattern for it and will make my own. i already got fabric for it (thanks to my fabric hoarding problem haha) i just have a few questions about it that i haven't found answers anywhere yet. ive seen many pictures of it. never actually saw one in person tho, besides being worn, which doesn't quite help me, since i can't really see the details. but here are 2 pics to illustrate my questions. in the first picture you can clearly see that there's an extra strip of fabric on the top and the other one doesnt. im assuming that's a personal choice, right?? just to make tucking it under the chest piece easier?!?! Also the first one seems to have batting inside of it, all around. batting or something like it. batting is that thin layer of... something hahahah that they put inside quilts and the likes. it's probably what people use to give that "raised" look on the middle stripes. but in the second picture, it doesn't look like it has the same thing all around. maybe just in the center, otherwise the stripes wouldn't be as noticeable. so my question is... does it make a difference? is it also a personal choice??? POUCHES i have actually made those pouches before, for a snowtrooper actually. but evne if the sizes are a bit different, it's basically the same idea and same construction process. my question is, do you guys usually attach it to the cummerbund permanently or removable? i guess it's personal choice as well but im just wondering which is easier. VEST Gonna make my own. i read everywhere people saying cotton. but cotton like a jersey material? (like a tshirt?) BOOTS i think this is the only thing is making me want to cry. i thought it would be easier but now... while im shopping for it, i can't find ANY pair of boots that will fit me that don't have a little bit a heels. =/ im a size 5. i can definitely wear size 6 in boots, which is what i usually get since i can't find anything decent on size 5. lol but that means i can't really get men's boots. and women's hiking boots or work boots ALL seem to have bigger heels. like these http://www.amazon.co...lack+work+boots or these http://www.amazon.co...ding=UTF8&psc=1 http://www.amazon.co...ork+boots&psc=1 i think these have the smallest of the ones i found on amazon http://www.amazon.co...lack+work+boots so my question is... would a bit of it would be an issue? im actually not even sure if those sole details are the correct ones even without carving out what needs to be carved or if it matters. if anyone has a suggestion please, help a girl with tiny feet out!!!! lol uhmmm i think im not forgetting any piece, am I? thank you for your help, and so sorry for the long post. oh... one more question... any suggestions on an easy way of setting snaps??? snaps are my enemy. =( i just do not have the strength to hammer it. i had huge issues with snaps when i was building my TK... i found a tool online that seems very easy but it's 150 bucks. =( i know i won't need too many snaps for this one... so i don't think it's worth it to buy it. i found others that looked similar but the price difference was too big. to the point that made me question it. i mean one is 150 and the other 20??? lol idk... i just wish there was some magic to set those damn snaps. lol thank you!!!
I know it sucks to wait but... I'm not sure about your size but being a girl I am glad I got my tk from ATA! I'm 5'2" 100lbs At the time most girls with TK seemed to be getting theirs from ATA and after a lot of research it seemed the best option. I didn't wait that long. I think at the time they were saying 4 to 6 weeks but I got mine in 3! Sometimes it is best to wait and just make sure you get the best option for you
thank you so much!!! this will be my 2016 project so im starting to get organized. im not very great at building, even tho i did my TK!!!! but i know i will need LOTS of visuals!!!! lol
Thank you!!!!!
Do you know where I can find a biker or shadow scout helmet assembly video?!?
Did this happen??? I am def gonna need a video! I am as clueless as can be!