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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by vonmoen

  1. Will West German jackboots still be approvable for Level 1?
  2. Apparently the wording is a bit confusing for some GMLs, is there a way to update the verbage to make it a bit more clear?
  3. Is the IAT helmet required for basic approval or can a member get approved wearing a hat?
  4. A photo that was posted on the Imperial Army Facebook page. Members of Italica Garrison on patrol looking for hostiles.
  5. I thought it would be fun to see members with approved Imperial Army costumes post some "action shots" from events or photo shoots. So if you have any photos that you'd like to share, please post them here.
  6. Since the updated CRL for the Imperial Army Trooper was approved, can the link be pinned with the other? https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_imperial_army_trooper
  7. Can someone post a photo of these Commuter boots? Maybe a link to a vendor that sells them?
  8. Quick question, are the coveralls that you picked up from Automotiveworkwear.com the Red Kap Men's Twill Action Back Coveralls? I'm ready to place an order.
  9. Agreed, I'll update the first post.
  10. The Combat Medic appears briefly in the new Solo movie, along with some info in the Solo book. Here's a Medic kit.
  11. As far as the MP40 pouches go, I'd say either leather or canvas should be OK since we're dealing with a character from an illustration rather than a flesh and blood version form a movie.
  12. When we started working on the Imperial Army Trooper CRL, one of the early examples we were looking at were the Troopers in West End Games . Here's some of the examples that were looked at. Most are from sources that were later considered "non-canon", which is why we went with the Dark Horse Comics version.
  13. I've never seen a Trooper in a tan jumpsuit, where did this come from?
  14. Looks like an Imperial Engineer (Sapper), possibly an Officer version. The CRLs are being worked on. http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/5715-imperial-army-combat-engineer-crl-proposal/
  15. A canteen would be a nice addition, but I haven't seen one depicted in any of the Dark Horse comic illustrations yet.
  16. Good catch, Shawn. They're worn on both shoulders just like the Imperial Cog is for Bridge Crew/AT-ST Drivers/Tie Reserve, etc. Not sure how far down from the shoulder seam they go, though.
  17. Looking good so far, but I'd remove the telemetry unit info since it appears hat there aren't any on the helmet.
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