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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by chwillis

  1. WTF bucket almost done, just gotta get the mic screens in and polish.. See first post..
  2. Absolutely at the pe-sale price is a steal for sure.
  3. Joseph seems to be the go to guy for them now, he does offer black and red too, i just bought black for TX build.
  4. Steve, Thanks for the input on this & the info regarding the weathering. I might actually do the weathering for specialist, time and patience depending I did weather my TD like 100 times, so this should be easy, just a matter of finding a acrylic paint combo that works on the black abs (greys/silvers). As for the pouches not being currently accepted, i understand completely. But the look of the pouches on the TX, so finishes the look, Leather MP40s one on left shoulder & both on hips /w the black pauldron, so much awesome. Me being a TD as my first build im partial to pouches... I think this will be a great build. Thanks again for the input Steve Chris
  5. I was a few days late on placing the order to get the pre order deal.. After seeing a few of the TKs in person, im glad i missed it. But on the other hand for the price its a good kit.
  6. Hello, Im in the process of getting a TX build going. Have the Bucket on the way from WTF. Check out my inspiration, would love to do this with out the battle damage and a DLT-19 instead of the E11.... *FIXED LINKS* WTF Bucket
  7. Looks good. I cant wait to start mine...
  8. I just ordered a pair, great find..
  9. Very cool, cant wait to see it finished..
  10. Mike, The new Magma was my priority as well, after the re-breather becoming a mini nightmare i ditched the project. Sold off the FX armor and shin-guards went to the aluminium pile for scrap. If you can make a fibre glass mould or have a 3d printer make the re-breather then your laughing.. I did start the cad work, ill try to find the file for you, Chris
  11. I was wrong am is not acceptable for specialist.. So I'm better off going Walt or ATA
  12. I thought it was any 3 piece was not acceptable for specialist. And no FX or EFX for 501st approval. I thought AM2.0 was acceptable.
  13. Yeah I've done some research. I will be waiting. Lol Good luck with the build.
  14. Great info there all, thanks for the reply's. i guess its going to be ATA or WTF..
  15. Hello troopers, Im now in the market to get a TX Kit and build with a goal of Blackhole/Shadow Stormtrooper Specialist. I know there are a few great builders out there but the wait lists are nuts. Im currently on ATA's list but have also been exploring other options out there. Not sure about TKUK, anyone know the mold they are from FX ? EFX ? I also have been talking to Walt at WTF as well.. What you all think ? Located in Canada here.. Chris
  16. Awesome looking armor, great progress. Im in the market for a TX, what mold is this armor from ?
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