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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by NitroSpartacus

  1. I'm lucky enough to have seen Rocky's armor in person. I'm still working on the same armor ( I believe mine is the earlier version though). From a noob's standpoint this is godsend. It was really difficult to visualize a lot of things because you can't really zoom in on a CRL photo. A lot of specialist approval photos are non-existent and the ones that do sometimes differ. I look forward to all the new stuff and am extremely thankful for the groundwork that everyone has put in. I was told recently that there are only around a couple of dozen magmas in the whole legion. I'm super excited to be part of the elite few once I get this thing done.
  2. So after chatting with them on Sep 8th. I finally got an email last night that my tube stripes shipped last night. ::Facepalm::
  3. The great thing about Walt is he gives you extra pieces. All you have to do is add a v-shaped piece to the back of the thighs and shim the insides. I'm doing that right now with my Magma.
  4. Do you have black armor already or are you converting white? If it's already black you could probably just polish it.
  5. Hey Nicolle, As far as I know yes they are men's. I bought both a BlackOps and a Magma from them and they fit perfectly. Btw, their mobile site isn't that good so I definitely recommend browsing on a desktop of some sort. Here's two other threads that may help you... http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/3836-tx-boots/ http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/4256-boots/
  6. Those look pretty good. The only thing I'd worry about is they look pretty short in the ankle and the toes are pretty upturned so they may give you foot pain after trooping.
  7. I sent an email first and then asked politely a few days later on chat and they said they got my email and that I should've gotten a response. When I confirmed that I didn't they said they definitely have me down for a set so I should expect them shortly.
  8. That's definitely grounds for a new helmet. I got a new FOTK helmet from them with less damage to the helmet than that.
  9. Just got off of chat with them... "Hello Chris, Thank you for bringing your concern to our attention. The black tube stripes will be mailed out separately on decal sheets, and our fulfillment team will follow up when those are mailed out. "
  10. I'm not 100% postive, but I think those are ear bump stripes. I agree, I just want them to send me the stuff that I paid for. I'm still working on my magma, so I'm in no rush to start on the shadow (although I want to really really bad).
  11. Did anybody have any luck with the tube stripes? I have yet to hear back from them.
  12. sorry to hear that bud, I should be getting mine Friday.
  13. So after they sent me the extra bill, they had the nerve to send me a feedback survey. It was just a smiley face and a frowney face and optional text. Here's there response I sent them along with their response...
  14. Just got an email saying they're readying my shipment. However, it was asking for more money. I'm assuming it's because I ordered two sets and since they changed from FedEx to UPS everything seams double the price. I maintain Anovos - horsepoop of a company.
  15. I ordered mine on the 19th. I have no clue when it's coming either, but hey we get to see Tony finish his and learn from him. At this point we can just try to stay positive and focused. Keep up the good work brother!
  16. Thanks for the build thread! Just curious what your order date was as I also got in on the first round and still have "unfulfilled" as my status.
  17. Imperial Boots sells them in black already, but look elsewhere if you're on a budget.
  18. I'm going to say no because they lack the "u-shaped elastic sections on both sides" as stated by the CRL
  19. That's not bad... if you consider over a year not bad.
  20. First and foremost, Welcome! I'm not sure of any others, but Trooperbay sells stencils. They also sell decals if you're painting skills aren't that great. Depending on what stripes you're referring to, and where you bought them from, they may be included in you're kit. Tube stripes were included with my kit. Also, check the CRLs first. The shadow is only black. Furthermore, SpecOps doesn't have EIB or Centurion. They do have a specialist program though, so look into that if you're looking to achieve a higher level.
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