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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by jsin238

  1. Yes were going to post builds here too once we get all pics together
  2. Just saw your post didn't see a request
  3. I know a guy that makes the fotk in white and black boots and its a good thing that that's the one I'm using
  4. Can't wait I'm so excited for this and today I'll be posting up my submission pictures here
  5. Heres the link guys i hope im doing this right lol https://m.facebook.com/groups/581655602003249
  6. We just made a Facebook group page under FO FT we will be posting up our build there also its set as a secret group if you all want to join in on that and talk about the build let me know I'll add you guys
  7. So I just took some pics of my elite for my submission should I submit it to my gml or post it here?
  8. Its in progress and under construction the rest of the molds should be done shortly guys but so far this is what we have done (some pieces will require trimming) and yes we will be doing the TANKS as well and the flamethrower
  9. My build to my elite is like the FO TK where there's no seams I even bondo all the gaps from the yoke and the back
  10. I support Dan rod and me and him talked about the build and I also just finished my elite if in need of more pictures of my build I will be willing to submit pictures also wanted to suggest that I made my helmet lenses CHROME or mirrored
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