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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by ukswrath

  1. This looks like one of my older gen units. The newer models don't have this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience
  2. Hey David I apologies for getting back to you so late. Please contact me at norcalimited@hotmail.com
  3. Hey Paul I've had a couple DT customers over the years add the iComm to the DT audio system. Though not screen accurate it is a nice added feature.
  4. Technically yes however, double check the CRL to make sure your helmet details match.
  5. Glad to be of help. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or other members here. Troopers Helping Troopers
  6. Just out of curiosity would we actually make applicants pull out a ruler during approvals to verify the above measurements or is this strictly for build guidelines?
  7. From a former DOs perspective, some GMLs will take CRL requirements with a grain of salt, others as if the info came straight from Disney and LFLs "Must have to troop" play book and try and enforce L3 at basic. It's was very frustrating. In my opinion L1 & L2 should be seen as guidelines. L1 for the casual enthusiast who may troop once or twice a year at some low key event. Doesn't really care too much about accuracy but still wants to help others, the highlight of our legion. L2 a step above is for those active, engaged, in the trenches and yet no where close to being OCD. L3 is the cream of the crop without the movie gaffers tape. Above that is RPF and SWAT. RPF where everything in the movie is on the table, or MEPD every character detail is under a microscope. Being a SWAT member myself, if were not careful to select a clear and realistic level of detail, very few will strive for it or worse some approvers will impose their opinion of what they believe it should be. After 4 years I can still count the amount of TFA FOTK L3 recipients on less than two hands, mainly because at L3 rubber gaskets that nobody wants to buy or wear are required. Long story short let's set each "L" bar realistically and be very clear about the expectations.
  8. Thanks Glen and keep up the great work
  9. Glen you have the MFG and model of the spray you used?
  10. Understood. I'm an essential employee so working crazy hours these days. Stay safe
  11. Wow! Can't say this enough, this is one fantastic thread, makes me want to build one. Don't try and convince me Ricky, I still have three other armors I have to finish first ??
  12. How's this going Austin, looks fantastic so far
  13. In agreement. BTW excellent attention to detail, giving SWAT level a run for the money
  14. The high gloss is probably because the skin is vinyl but that's a complete guess. Other than that looks good. Forgive me for being absent on the crl process
  15. Bhrea I'd be glad to help you.
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