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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by ukswrath

  1. Hey Mel, I replied to your post in another thread stating you shouldn't have an issue however, nobody has Anovos TX armor yet that I'm aware of. We've only seen what's been displayed at conventions and on their website. I believe we'll be ok Cheers
  2. Hey Mel, If it's anything like the OT TK it should be fine for basic. I'm not sure how the elite feel about the flimsy Anovos belt, which in my opinion should be replaced at any level over basic, though it's still accepted at TK EIB. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I can chime in on that subject.
  3. Once my Anovos TX arrives I'll be glad to make a tutorial, actually planned on it being I love to do that kind of stuff anyways. Now for the wait
  4. Looking forward to seeing the Anovos TX on these forums.
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