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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Robotrooper

  1. Yes. I got all the decals for it there. https://trooperbay.com/decals/prop-replica-decals/star-wars-props/special-operations-tx-helmet-decals
  2. I seen the CRL before I ordered. I will order new ones at the end of the build. Looks cool right now though.
  3. Ok, I forgot to post during the long week. I got my decals in Thursday morning and got them on. I was surprised that the tube strips were silver and not black, which I think that I ordered black. But, I like the silver a lot. Will this hurt my getting approval? I just have to put mesh behind the frown, paint the ears, add padding, paint the screws black and put the screens in the Mic tips.
  4. Been busy with school starting back up so I am a little slow working on my build. But I did manage to get some stuff painted tonight. Not much, but it counts. Flat Black Frown Metallic Silver and vocoder Flat Black
  5. https://trooperbay.com/trooper-helmet-s-neck-trim in Stock. I take it you went by way of Facebook to order? The site is still open. I think he had Knee surgery and should be coming back soon.
  6. Add the "S" trim and got the ears done! Woohoo! Stuck the lenses that came with the kit in just to see what it looks like. Love it!
  7. Ears almost there! Got to trim a little off the bottom but its about done.
  8. Doing a little at a time with work picking up a bit. Got started trimming the ears and got the helmet screwed together. Chest plate done ( Needs shoulder straps, elastic and snaps) and hand plates done. And I love this shot of my helmet out back.
  9. Got in some time today to trim a little. Do you all think the teeth are ok or should they be opened a little more? Thoughts?
  10. Picked up my ATA kit. There are a few things that I will need to look into during the build. I noticed on the inside of the cap and back, ATA WORKS 2013 TR. I guess this was sitting for three years. The armor has some scuffs which I think will come out with a little work. The only thing that is driving me nuts is the cap and back. I have seen some nice ones but this one has some issues. I would like to look at getting another one. Here is the face.
  11. Sounds Great! No I am in the Diamond Garrison, Arkansas. My friend has a big booth he sets up at Expos. I went with them and took my TK.
  12. I was planning on using my TK as a guide since I got it to fit me just right. I watched TB's videos until I felt like I could take on the build. It really helped. Look forward to maybe catching you in Dallas next year at the Fan Expo!
  13. Ok, here I go! Getting my list together for what I will need to purchase. I have looked over the forums and found some cool stuff and links. I want to get 501st approved so Let me know if I get anything wrong if you would. My list: TX Boots - LINK Black Canvas Belt - LINK Holster - I'm alternating my TK holster with my TX. Darman is sending me TX Straps so I can change out when I need to. The CRL says: The holster may be attached from behind with rivets. On my TK, it is Chicago Screws. Is this ok? (UPDATE 7-14) Got my straps in today! Helmet - Having some nerve damage in my hands, it is hard for me to paint. I am going with the decals like I did on my TK. Flat Black. - LINK Inner Drop Boxes - Ideas? Ok, so far I think this is all I need to look at to get going. Gloves, Under Armor, Neck Seal and all I already have. The one thing I will do different on this build is change the glue method. I went with Zap-A-Gap and Zip Kicker on my TK. Drove me nuts trying to be careful. I'm going to E6000 this one. Any videos would be nice to see. I just need to know what I do with it. Sand the areas that will be glued? What about cleaning up the glue that comes out? Etc. Thank you all and can't wait to hear from you.
  14. I think I have a pic of you. Was this this you from Fan Expo Dallas 2016? ((( Pic)))
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