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Everything posted by Sall

  1. Tell me about it 😞
  2. Im still waiting on my Dlt from RS, should have been delivered in jan, now they are saying this week...... :-(
  3. Thanks, ill give them a shout n a few days :-)
  4. Thanks for that :-) im unsure who im contacting tbh
  5. Hi Griffin ty :-) they dont seem to have given me one yet.... :-(
  6. Hi Guys, Just got my email through telling me that i have clearance!!!!! :-) thanks to everyone for all the advice and support its very much appreciated!! Sall ;-)
  7. can i put them up on my thread in the Ukg forum chef? Thanks :-)
  8. hahaha how embarrassing i can tell you ive got some right stick off my mate who keeps having to take these pics lol how are these Chef?
  9. Sorted this too, now to get some more pics :-)
  10. oh yes i know :-) cant believe i put my pouches back on the wrong way thou, i feel an idiot tbh
  11. Bund pouches back on the right way lol, rivets on holster painted black, just waiting for tube & clips to dry then i redo my clearance pics thx Sall
  12. Hi Chef, Thanks for the feedback! cant believe i did that with the pouches!! they were on correctly originally ha its when i moved them in (((facepalm))) When you say paint the clips & the tube should i do it satin like the armour? thanks
  13. Hi Guys so i did my pics for clearance and uploaded them..., Just thought id put a couple up here as ive lost the will to live with photobucket grrrr lol Sall :-)
  14. Did it with a bit of Acrylic gloss varnish, it looks fine.
  15. i agree, ive noticed in pics i tend to disappear (if taken inside) and you cant see much detail. thanks Chef,
  16. hmmm i think they look fine so thats good, thx for the advice. do i need to put the full wip pics up in the clearence post in the UKG forum of just the final pics? thx :-)
  17. Cheers bud, I'll do the same to match the decals 😊
  18. Cheers bud, I'll do the same to match the decals 😊
  19. Hi guys just looking for a bit of advice, do the bits above & the snout on the bucket need to be glossy? just going over bits & pieces before i take some clearance pics and also do i need to put up all my wip pics on the uk garrison forum or just the completed costume pics for clearence? thx :-)
  20. Hi Yeah it's my next job tbh I keep trying to arrange my mate to do them but I keep getting let down so I'm going to set the tripod up etc and do them myself 😊 Thx
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