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Obey Wann

501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Obey Wann

  1. Thanks for the responses, guys! If it is not a fully approveable kit right out of the box, then I likely won't purchase it -- at least not yet. I've been burned in the past by taking on brand new kits before the supply chain or CRL/costume standards got finalized. It ended up just costing money and frustration. (Battlefront Desert Trooper especially, not to mention trailblazing the Snowclone and being on the first run of shoretroopers.) I'm slowing down my 501st trooping (almost finished a Mando gunslinger), but I'd like something more interesting than my IC/TIE Reserve. These new Army trooper kits are cool, so I'll keep an eye out and follow as things progress. I appreciate it, and thanks for blazing the trail on these fun looking, comfortable kits.
  2. Following this, as I saw a kit for sale by Kerry Rowntree with a xxl jumpsuit. It might fit me, and looked pretty close to working out of the box. I've been out of the loop, so if I'm reading this correct, there is no approved CRL on this yet, correct? Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  3. Most impressive! I saw the post today on FB and had to come check it out. I want to verify: We cannot use an existing IC/TIE Reserve coveralls, without doing modifications, correct? It looks like it, per this link, but I wanted to double check: http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/5540-closed-discussion-imperial-army-engineer-crl/page__fromsearch__1 Great job on this! I might want to do this in the near future. I'm sure that would make Torri happy.
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