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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Instvogel

  1. And again....Too small! Thanks for the help, Allan!
  2. Hey, I am building a shadow too right now. Where did you get your Boots? And where did you get this box 501st Shadow decal?
  3. #######SOLVED########## Helmet issues (I think) As you can see in the following Pictures the lip one one side is differently shaped and sized than the other. That cause a rather big gap on the one side. I know that Trooper helmet aren't symetrical but that seems to me a bit off. Is this a production problem (I haven't trimmed anything yet) or am I just plain untalented? Good side! Bad Side: The gap on the god side will be about this big: The bad side: ############################################# SOLUTION The gap existed because I did leave room under the top lip about 1 cm (less then 1/3 inch). After rechecking the gallery of those specialists and the crl i figured out that there is no leftover space. After readjusting the gap appears way smaller. I will put it together again tomorrow. Still wondering about those different lips in the ear area......
  4. Instructions would have been nice! Otherwise I have all the screws, a basic Inlay from what I guess might be a construction helmet and Grey Lenses! I still have some issues with the earpieces not fully closing. So thats why I asked for some close up Pics
  5. I am really looking forward to how this thing looks! Should look brutally awesome if they take a year or more to fabricate perfect molds and materials. I guess the kit from anovos is around 1000 USD?
  6. @Keeleon I had 8 extra stripes of the kit material with the package. I chose this kit because of the sizing. Anovos should turn out a little smaller, i guess. How big and tall are you?
  7. Yes, I have 8 Strips of spare material. 1 is already cut down for shimming one leg. How does the shimming work best? Attach leveled and glue extra underneath or glue the shimmig directly to the parts?
  8. Hi Guys! Today i got my AM 2.0 Kit. After unwrapping a ton of stuff I am ready to get started on the helmet part. Unfortunately I can't find any instructions with the package and only guides for 2 part Helmet (mine is 3part). Maybe you guys can help? This is an experimental build, since I am probably one of the biggest troopers there are (better hopefully will be) . Hopefully i can bend and work everything to the 501st standards. Update1: After some starting Problems helmet has been assembled. Pics to follow. Maybe some one can send me some front, side and back picks of his bucket. The armor will be a huge challenge, due to probably a lot of shimming. Here a few pics with a first fitting try. The Full AM 2.0 Kit: Front: Side 1 and 2 Back: 3 pcs Helmet unassembled: As you can see on those pics, the gaps at the sides are rather big. Do the front and the backside have to connect around the waist for approval? On the Shoulders, I will have enough room to work with since the shoulder straps are quite long. A little bit of bending might be usefull. Ideas, suggestions and so on are very welcome. But pls keep in mind that this is the first fitting with gaps and placement errors due to a lack of knowledge and a desire to breathe regular. Thanks guys
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