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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Scottdm62

  1. Forwarded info to the costumer. Thank you
  2. I’ll get better photos for curiosity sake. Thanks guys.
  3. I’m going to give him back the feedback and tell him to fix it before trooping but going to go ahead and pass.
  4. https://www.501st.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=267&t=105172 Looking over this app and I see the butt plate on the armor looks wonky. Everything else looks fine to me for a first level pass. Is that butt plate a hard fail? Trying to get this approved today if possible as it is his birthday today.
  5. Is this just a normal FOTK from TFA? Or is there other differences in the overAll look other than black and stripe.
  6. I just received in my replacement kit from ATA. So far no problem. But not finished with kit. I am from Bloodfin Garrison and know a lot of the Shadowtroopers up there. Be sure to lean on them for help and if need contact info shoot me a PM.
  7. Good luck with the build!! Remeber to use this forum as a tool / resource to help you.
  8. Yes he does. That's where I got my replacements.
  9. Name: CFO (Cast From Original) Kit: ABS, ROTJ-style, great for a number of expanded universe costumes Contact: www.castfromoriginal.com This is a dead link for Shadowtrooper armor.
  10. Over the weekend my handler broke one of my shoulder straps. The good news it was the one under my pauldron so I was able to troop, bad news, it broke. I've had bad luck with this same issue on my TK. So I ask, where would be a good place that has a shadow trooper shoulder straps hanging around? And for how much?
  11. I had my first accident in armor yesterday taking a tumble off the back of a golf cart due to an over zealous driver. I destroyed one of my shoulder pieces, cracked my back plate and busted my thermal detonator. The TD and back plate I believe I can fix, however the shoulder is shredded bad. Do you guys know of any vendor that sales only replacement parts?
  12. Here I am again asking a off the hand question. Is it allowable to attach the shoulder bells across the back like a clone or even Dengar?
  13. Used this method this weekend for my boy with great success. Thank you guys for the input!!! Hell I may even do the same for mine.
  14. One of the best builds to use for a reference http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/4272-ukswraths-anovos-tx-build/
  15. Welcome to the show brother Viper!!!
  16. My Bloodfin brother! Welcome to the dark family of stealth warriors!!!
  17. We are having an issue with the shins on tx-13622 armor. They keep floating up. We have tried Velcro as well as snaps and it continues to float up on him. Has anyone ever tried stirrups to keep them in place? Or does anyone have a better suggestion or share how they felt with theirs if they had that issue?
  18. Need to update the wording on the Kill count to get rid of the photobucket suggestion. Still mad about Photobucket and their greed.
  19. I made it!!!! I am official!!! Shadow trooper in da house!!!! Now to gain access to the cool stuff and start collecting Spec Ops swag!!!
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