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501st Reserve[501st]
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About Spiel

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  • Name
    Denis Vorobiev
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Russian Outpost

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    Propmaking, Star Wars, Alien, Blade Runner, Snowboard, Photography, 3D printing, 3D modeling

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  1. Greatest news! Huge thatks to everyone involved - awesome and definitely hard work! It's a great honor to become CRL-model for second time and I'm so proud to make it with such a difficult costume!
  2. And different shoulder bells and forearm... Maybe it's an early design.
  3. Hi all! It took me a while, but I'm extremely happy now with how this helmet turned! Thank you all for tips and refs!
  4. That's "Geek Carl's" photoshop versions, released early April. He tried to propose concept when no refs were available.
  5. Hi, mate! I'm making DT's for two years already, more than 100 kits been done!) Currently printing of very durable filament, which very much stress-resistant. I offer both: RAW printed and Painted versions. Painted version post-processed with car body shop techs and materials, so the final result is pretty impressive! You can easily find me as ArmoryShop Props at Facebook and Instagram. PM me for details, I'll be happy to help! BR Denis.
  6. I have those images as raw... I'll try to work with them in photoshop. Maybe it'll reveal more! Will post here a bit later today.
  7. As a maker I can say that details like this make production only more difficult. So I don't think Anovos did it due to tech requirements. And so I assume this is "High-Details" level of their helmet... If I may say so)) beautiful to look at it and a nightmare to make it...
  8. Hi guys! While I've been working on details of the helmet I noticed one minor detail of the brow. I don't see it in the draft, so I thought to propose it)) I'm talking about small recessed line at the bottom of the brow line, at the center of the front area. Not sure about the length, might be one inch or somerhing. Hope to help more! Denis Oh yes, I discovered imgur))) lol))
  9. Agreed on pillow-area,mate! Found its better pic! May I suggest an idea about snout: I think the first thick rib on top is actually a visor frame! Then there is a big gap,it's so wide that gives gloss reflections and it look like there's something. Then we have 11 shout ribs on the grid. Then 14 horizontal ribs and main tooth shape. I'm happy to see the progress on CRL! Great work, man! Denis
  10. Got some new refs of the bottom and side! You can see that 4 dents at the visor frame, Trapezoid, mentioned above, lines below it and hexagonal mesh. Take a closer look at the bottom line of the brow - no "pills" I see there. Can it be that we have few helmets with different details? Or it was photo artefacts?... Hope to help more. Denis
  11. While working on details for my helmet, I found these minor details, I think they're important: 1) 4 recessed rectangulars on the visor frame, at the bottom of the each eye 2) Hexagonal mesh 3) Trapezoid extruded (pls, correct word) tear at the bottom of the visor frame 4) 2 thin extruded lines between the Tear and Traperoid (p.3). Hope to help more! Denis
  12. Agreed on all points! I have a clear shot of nose greeblie and I'd love to upload pics, mate. But I only allowed 0.38Mb (((( there will be no details in this mess))
  13. Yes, surely you can glue all sliced parts, just investigate which glue is best on your market!) Regarding printer - I can highly recommend Creality CR10 S4 with 0.6 Volcano nozzle. Despite of shins - you'll be able to print whole suit! Denis
  14. Hi Rob! Great to hear you're going to print this costume! I'm printing this kit for almost 3 years already and I strongly believe that this kind of production is the best for this and many others kits! To print your chest/back plates you'll need at least 40*40*40cm printer value. Shins requires at least 42cm height (Z). Thighs - 35cm (Z). These are approximates, cuz all depends on your sizing. I wouldn't recommend to use ABS, due to high curving rate during cool down. This will affect all thin parts: chest, butt, cod, shoulders. PLA preffered as for me. HIPS - best one)) Hope this help, mate! Denis ArmoryShop Props
  15. Great work, Mark!!! My 5 cents to nose plate (face plate): are we sure that plates are separated and center greeblie belongs to main bucket or both plates are connected with those greeblie plate? I counted 10 ribs on center nose greeblie. They're appx 5mm heigh and 2mm thick. Also looks like the center tooth has appx.the same shape as the top of the DeathTrooper's aerator module. It becomes common for latest designs - DT, Patrol, Sith... Hope to help more!
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