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501st Reserve[501st]
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Woodo007 last won the day on February 14 2024

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About Woodo007

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    South East U.K.
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    Star wars, props, motorbikes

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  1. U could try msging the designer direct. This is a link to their file listing https://cults3d.com/en/users/MCM_Design/3d-models
  2. I have MCM Design's files (Previously known as MCM Design's files (Previously known as Tom's files)), which altho I cannot share, I am happy to print and send u the buckles if u pay postage m8
  3. Well done for finding a solution. I spent ages getting my 1st set of thighs from AS finsihed, only to find they were huge. I printed them myself from Toms files at 95% in the end. One thing I did, and it really helps my walking without the thighs smashing against each other, is I slide a foam knee pad down the outside of each thigh piece. I t just helps to keep them from rubbing constantly
  4. Undersuit looks a good fit buddy, and the boots are fine
  5. Sheevs emporium are making DT undersuits I believe
  6. Hey man. Welcome and good luck with the build. If I can give u this advice I would recommend stopping now for a couple of reasons. 1 is that D03d files are far from accurate. U did well to stop with Nikkos files. I got them to see how they were and they are full of errors and inaccuracies. I would suggest u either contact Tom Campbell who has produced amazing files for the deathtrooper build that have been used successfully by lots of DTs OR wait for some files that are currently in the works. A group of DTs are in the process of producing a set of files that will be released for free and are looking to be the most accurate yet. U can look for more details in the main DT build group on Facebook.
  7. He has done sales at black Friday I think and also when his shop anniversary comes up but I can't remember when that is
  8. Both are clearable and as u are making from scratch I guess u can go for personal preference
  9. Hey. Some nice progress. Is impressive seeing someone scratch build so much and am loving your ideas with the flashing grenade and boot tabs. With ref to you shoulder pouch I thought I would give u a heads up as it looks like u are making them square cut? Promotional images had those but the screen used ones used the conventional tapered epic militaria type. Will attach a pic to show. Top pics are promotional photoshoot pics. Bottom are screen grabs from the film. Hope this helps. Nick
  10. Hi werak. Apologies this was never answered. U can find Tom on Facebook. Search Tom Campbell or TDK props
  11. Great work so far dude. Think I am Gona try some weathering on mine using your technique. Your helmet is spot on. I also have Paul's straps and buckles and really pleased with them
  12. Your other option is the dr marten jereds as worn in the film but they are out of production for awhile. They occasionally show up on ebay
  13. Can only echo Andrews words and encourage you to contact Tom Campbell to use his files. U are Gona spend a lot of time and money doing this. May as well get it right and accurate as u can.
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