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Tiderion last won the day on April 22 2022

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  1. @Chaos Well actually, let me clarify. It came with the D rings for both side and top and came with exactly three of the "rubber" straps, which I painted a matte black to satisfy the overall look. This was fine for the top straps, but the only solution I could work out for the side was to cut the third one roughly in half at a 45-ish degree angle, then slice off and reverse one of the triangles and E6000 it back onto the end. I have yet to clean up, re-paint, or cut the edges to make these the "trapezoid" shape described in the CRL, but here they are as they exist now: https://imgur.com/a/1tOZyvI I'd like this to be a Plan B, as it will look better if I can get some higher quality STLs or printed ones, but if I have to make do, I will.
  2. It did, but did not come with sufficient straps to make the rest of it.
  3. I'd be open to that. Is there a way I can contact the owner/creator of the file to see if he'd share/sell me them first though? And by the way, my first post may not have been clear, but I mean the full strap + buckle, not just the "metal" part of it. Like this: https://www.etsy.com/listing/552825942/death-trooper-side-buckles?click_key=c8ed4809a0867fca41d71b506b1094c11c6d88c8%3A552825942&click_sum=5ed1de56&ref=shop_home_active_4
  4. Does anyone have good STL files for the side buckles, or a reasonable vendor for them? The only one I see is Plastic Arms Dealer and $60 for .5% of the costume is obscene.
  5. Might as well ask here as well - is there a coloring scheme for the grenades as well? @Chaos
  6. So same question but for two different pouches - belt, and ammo vest for the Type Two specialist build. Obviously both black but I can't quite tell from the reference pictures and the CRL doesn't specify - are these supposed to be gloss black like most of the armor, or flat? Both the same, or is one flat and the other gloss?
  7. That is incredibly generous of you, much appreciated. I have misplaced my tailoring measuring tape in my move. I will get one and get these to you tomorrow.
  8. To be honest, I don't have a machine to sew with and wouldn't trust myself with that or hand sewing even if I did. It would probably help a ton if I had some measurements/pattern of the UKSWrath harness so I could at least try to source it locally, but I've had trouble with that as well. It has been a real nightmare.
  9. I'm hoping someone can help me with this as I've gone from one dead end to the other and been delayed on my DT build for half a year by this one road block. I cannot seem to find anyone that can make me a undersuit harness/garter belt rig like UKSWrath's in the screenshot below: Tony isn't in a position to make these right now, and I can't find anyone else. Darkside closet wasn't able to do it, despite being a great option for other parts. I've tried Geekypink, who UKSWrath recommended. I'm at a loss at this point. Doesn't anyone have a lead on a vendor for these?
  10. @Chaos Do you have STL files for these or know where I can acquire them?
  11. @Chaos Shouldn't be hard to find one here in Dallas.
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