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Everything posted by Bootstrap

  1. Sorry.. Dont know if this picture is any better Basically the "ribbing" of the chest rig straps... My GMLs are stuck on the ribbing instead of layering Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  2. Its been a little bit.. Here is my del meeko.. Its not approved yet and still missing some parts... Not thrilled with how the straps turned out... Anyone have other suggestions or a vendor that makes them? Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  3. I would like to know the same thing as im finishing up my build.... Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  4. Straps for the chest rig? I didnt think HSP did any soft parts Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  5. Are those sold seperatly or with the kit? Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  6. What did you do for the ribbing on the chest straps? Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  7. Sounds good.. Mine is due on monday.. Im not to impressed with communication from hsp. What is not accurate about it? Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks Ive been distracted waiting for my armor to come in from head shot.. Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  9. Well its been a few weeks. Wampa Wear gloves and flightsuit arrived. Boots ordered and delivered.. should be approvable Flyye Tac vest came in, just need to modify it Waiting on the rest to come in from Headshot props Still need to get scout pouches done and order an officers belt
  10. Can anyone answer if these will work? https://www.ebay.com/itm/West-German-Fur-Lined-Hard-Toe-Patent-Leather-Jackboots-Seestiefel-8US-40EUR/292816341853?hash=item442d36cb5d:g:fBUAAOSwDaBb6KSc Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  11. Out of curiosity.. Why do the straps have to be replaced? How tall are they.. I think the crl calls for calf length so they shouldnt be taller then that.Also i think you wouls need to paint or clean the sole to make it black. Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  12. Im still trying to source the boots. Is there any other option besides having custom boots made by imperialboots or Gio? Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  13. Any other options for boots? Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk
  14. Any way you can share your files for the greeblies if you have not already?
  15. Thats exactly what I did and in the mean tome happened to find a flyye chest rig for a good deal.
  16. Im looking for someone thay can help me with this build. Would this work for the chest rig? https://www.amazon.com/GLORYFIRE-Tactical-Enforcement-Assault-Modular/dp/B071Z1MXQW/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1541689438&sr=8-4-spons&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=flyye+chest+rig&psc=1 Also does the overbelt attach to the leather officer belt?
  17. Hey everyone.. I finally am taking the plunge and starting my build. I have the Del Meeko kit coming from Head Shot and looking to get a quick start. Is the flyye chest rig the only approved one or is there a flyye clone that is acceptable? Does anyone have the wampa wear suits and gloves?
  18. My snout greeblie is a dark grey.. Should it be black? Also due to age, im going to need to get a new jumpsuit... Any recommendations?
  19. Even the snout? What about stickers on tank and helmet?
  20. Makes sense.. So looking at your pictures again.. Is everything one color or are some of the greeblies a different shade?
  21. Wow..that satin sheen looks fantastic. Do the boots have the same sole as TB boots?
  22. So more of a satin sheen then a gloss? I guess the pictures ive seen appear to be more on thr glossy side. Are all the greeblies blacked out as well? Sorry i know the crl probably explains alot but thought you guya could give more clarity. Off topic.. How many shadow scouts are there? I added a picture of my current kit..
  23. Awesome! I really want to change up my costume without spending a bunch of money. This seems like it would be the most effective thing to do. Is there a particular paint that i need to use? Also for the boots..is there a good donor boot style i need to look for? Would combat boots work? Is there another shadow scout out there that would be willing to email me..and help me through the process?
  24. Hello all, tb 21210 here. Ive had my scout for going on 5 years now, and im starting to lose interest im trooping in it.my question is, would i be better off buying a shadow scout kit or could i paint my current kit? Edit Added a picture of current kit.. I believe its from TLJ premier. Would i use the same type of undersuit or would a flight suit be adequate?
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