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501st SpecOps[TX]
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LVLAsian last won the day on November 16 2023

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  1. If needed, I have the Hot Toys figure on hand and can take pictures for the reference library.
  2. More pictures dropped to add to the Refence Library https://www.facebook.com/share/p/k6yuKF4KBcUD6LMy/
  3. Oops lol Interesting note in my opinion, the Hot Toys has the two different helmet types but has the "Ezra DT" Body cracks (Calling it a Ezra DT due to it being the one he fights) With the limited resources on references, will the CRL lean towards the Ezra variant since the Sabine one doesn't have the best angles?
  4. Hot Toys just dropped a ton of good photos, cracks and large repair areas def look indented in
  5. I would check out the Facebook group as well, they have a lot of good resources Gold Leaf is the goto it seems with the regular Night Trooper and Enoch and I think it's confirmed what they used in the show Personally I think the recessed cracks or lines should be a requirement, you can see it clearly around the Abs
  6. On a side not, and I know it's word of mouth with no visuals but I did ask Eman Esfandi (Ezra) during a convention what kind of Black the DT are. Said there was absolutely no gloss anywhere on the kit, it's a blend of satin and matte black with heavy weathering.
  7. How strict will the "path?" of the gold cracks will be on either a V1 or a V2? Some sides of DT Night Trooper don't have much clear refences or none at all. For example the Ezra DT, we hardy ever see his right side of the costume only his left side.
  8. Looks like we're getting a Night Trooper DT Hot Toy down the line
  9. This was just posted on Eman Esfandi Instagram Story
  10. I'm curious on what direction of the gold cracks/plates will be written on the CRL. Will it have to follow the two DT's Ezra and Sabine are fighting or will it be more flexible like the TK Night Troopers? Looking over the frames of the episode it will be difficult in my opinion. For example the DT the Sabine fights, it shows left side of the DT 95% of the time and it's difficult to see what details are present on the right side.
  11. I've been obsessing over every frame, there are definitely crack grooves in the armor
  12. Some other small things I noticed about Night? Death Trooper Only the single rear pouch is on the belt, the two front ones are not there. All the other belt accessories are present The E-11D (both) don't have a flashlight attached, only the rail is present on the side of the barrel
  13. Some opinions and screen caps that I found interesting Clip on the top and connecting seam on the ribs? Good shot of under the bicep Thigh holster is nothing like the FO version Shin seams on the inside (front overlapping the back) both have different greeblies Spats look the same The feet armor is similar to Phasma but only one armor plate instead of two, looks like there is "ribbing" on the sides of it More ribbing everywhere on the back (shins, thighs, etc....)
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