I have recently begun my journey to get into the 501st.
I have gotten closer to finalizing my choice of scout kit, I am leaning toward going with SC for a full kit. My head is about 22.5" so I think I won't have an issue with it being a bit smaller and I won't have to worry about color matching that I might if I get a different helmet. I was set to go with a TB, but the more I see the black armor, the more I like it.
My big question is: The shadow scout is not currently canon, right? I have looked through the events on my local garrison forum and they don't list any restrictions, but since I am not 501st (yet!) I cannot view the discussion to see if there are any exclusions in the discussion threads for the events. From what I have gathered, I doubt I will have issue with garrison events, but are any of the bigger events (e.g. celebration) restricted? I am sorry if this is an odd question, but I am still trying to get a handle on the flow of things in the 501st. There are some very strict requirements and some where is quite a bit of latitude, at least from my outside perspective, and I want to make I set myself up for success from the outset.
I guess all of that blabbering comes down to: Is the shadow scout canon? and if not, is the it still a good first build (e.g. how restrictive will that be until I get another build up and running)?
I got good news in a reply I asked a similar question over at BSN about restriction on TK vs. TB (thanks Retrofire!), but I just want to make sure that going with the darker scout won't limit my participation in events. Because if it won't, I am going that route because I think it looks great and there seem to be very few Spec Ops in my garrison. Plus in talking to Jeff I think can get it pretty fast so I can get building sooner! I have a lot more free time these days... so I plan on doing some serious trooping once I get my gear up and running.
Thanks for any input!