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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by kaabous

  1. Thanks Dan. Was it the right side (when wearing) jaw line that needed trimming? Mine was about 1/2" longer than the left. Did you move the guide holes for mounting the faceplate? They seem like they are a bit too far forward on mine, but I'm not sure there is room to move them much. I'll definitely use the tip on warming the visor when I get to that step.
  2. Ok, here is a hopefully more clear picture of the visor hole:
  3. I did some work today. I started attaching the dome and back of the helmet. While waiting for that to set, I started on the visor cutout: How does the general size and shape look? It is a little uneven in spots, but I don't want to do much finish work until I know it is right. I went just a bit beyond the molded indentation since it sounds like that is a bit too small. As I work with this, I think I want to go with the satin finish... the gloss is not very tactical. Is paint the best method? I saw some mention of using some kind of scouring pad to get the effect too. Or would something like a meguiar's scratch compound work better? Thanks.
  4. Hi Dan, congrats on getting approval! I am just getting my SC build going and I'd be curious to hear any tips you have on assembling the helmet.
  5. Ok, time to really get going: I am going back through some of the SC WIP posts and the Instructions that came with it. From just playing with it and dry fitting the pieces, I think most of it will be pretty straight forward. The helmet is the only piece I seem to have a lot of question marks on so far.
  6. Ok, I am off on my journey to build movie accurate Star Wars costumes. Up first is the Shadow Scout. Here is the first piece of that costume: Haven't trimmed the tags or anything yet, but I'm glad to have my first few pieces coming in. A question on the undersuit. I ordered the Redkap coverall that seems to be pretty popular. It is too small length-wise in the torso. I'm not usually one for tall or long sizes (I'm only 5'9") and waist probably need to be taken in an inch or two, but maybe my torso is just longer than average. I think I am going to order a long and see if it is better. I plan on still messing around with this one to get some practice altering and doing the riding patches, but I imagine I'll need the long for comfort while doing real trooping. Armor and helmet should be here in the next couple weeks... can't wait to get moving on that part. I hope to have a good start on the soft gear by the time it arrives.
  7. Alright, I am pretty much all in now. I have ordered: SC hard armor and helmet RedKap coveralls & microfiber suede (for now to trial run the patches, also looking to get real suede for specialist cert once I get it right) Wampawear gloves Vinyl for boots balaclava and lots of tools and other materials for this build and future plans:) I'm going to look for boots and material for the vest, bund, cod and pouches in person. I'm currently deciding on a holdout blaster (leaning toward polymer armory, but open to suggestions... I keep seeing more and more places producing them) and gathering pieces for DLT-19 scratch build to arm my scout. I'm heading out of town this weekend for what is probably the last hurrah for my soon-to-be-former hobby, but after I get back I am going to get rolling on learning how to sew so I'll be ready to put together my soft armor when the hard kit arrives. I never thought I'd excited about learning how to sew, but I guess I never had the right motivation before! Once I get some actual work going I'll start up a WIP thread to track my progress and get feedback.
  8. Great, just what I wanted to hear! Thanks guys. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on an SC Shadow Scout kit, I was close to doing it anyway, so I didn't need much of a push:) I'm going to get rolling on the soft bits and hopefully have a decent start on them by the time this thing arrives.
  9. I have recently begun my journey to get into the 501st. I have gotten closer to finalizing my choice of scout kit, I am leaning toward going with SC for a full kit. My head is about 22.5" so I think I won't have an issue with it being a bit smaller and I won't have to worry about color matching that I might if I get a different helmet. I was set to go with a TB, but the more I see the black armor, the more I like it. My big question is: The shadow scout is not currently canon, right? I have looked through the events on my local garrison forum and they don't list any restrictions, but since I am not 501st (yet!) I cannot view the discussion to see if there are any exclusions in the discussion threads for the events. From what I have gathered, I doubt I will have issue with garrison events, but are any of the bigger events (e.g. celebration) restricted? I am sorry if this is an odd question, but I am still trying to get a handle on the flow of things in the 501st. There are some very strict requirements and some where is quite a bit of latitude, at least from my outside perspective, and I want to make I set myself up for success from the outset. I guess all of that blabbering comes down to: Is the shadow scout canon? and if not, is the it still a good first build (e.g. how restrictive will that be until I get another build up and running)? I got good news in a reply I asked a similar question over at BSN about restriction on TK vs. TB (thanks Retrofire!), but I just want to make sure that going with the darker scout won't limit my participation in events. Because if it won't, I am going that route because I think it looks great and there seem to be very few Spec Ops in my garrison. Plus in talking to Jeff I think can get it pretty fast so I can get building sooner! I have a lot more free time these days... so I plan on doing some serious trooping once I get my gear up and running. Thanks for any input!
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