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Everything posted by Ijaatmandoa

  1. Thanks didn't think of that! I'll head over now!
  2. Thanks everyone I'll get on those leads!
  3. Hello everyone excited to say I finally got my WTF shadow scout bbb a couple weeks ago and am getting ready to start but havnt been able to find any helmet tutorials on it, it's a difficult one in five pieces any suggestions?? Thanks!
  4. Awesome To hear! That's what hear a lot about Walt! Yeah right on the nose! Haha how'd you know the wait time?? And very cool what are your two builds? Yeah I've already begun the gathering process haha I got a super deal from a guy and already have the blaster and cummerbund on their way for 140$! Next is the flight suit haha any ideas where to go for that? Tha ks a ton!
  5. Hi griffin how much do the cummerbunds typically cost??
  6. I griffin how much do the cummerbunds typically cost??
  7. I griffin how much do the cummerbunds typically cost??
  8. Hello everyone names James, I live and Colorado, and I've recently taken the wonderful plunge of starting my shadow scout kit, already have armor on the way, bought from walts trooper factory if anyone's heard of him, already got the holdout blaster and cummerbund, and fulfilling a life long dream of joining the 501st!! Hope to see you all around here more, any suggestions on what direction to take next?
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