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Everything posted by TheGreatSant1n1

  1. Thanks! I'll be contacting him soon! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Which are known for high gloss? Thanks for the help and exciting to be here!
  3. Hello Spec Ops Troopers! After a lifelong dream of building my very own Stormtrooper costume, I attended my first armor party this past Sunday and was convinced to build a Shadowtrooper instead. With this being my first build, I am in serious need of help. Last night I met with a Shadowtrooper in the Tampa Bay Area and he was a huge help giving me everything I need to get started in terms of tools and supplies. However, the big question is what armor am I going to buy. He has Anovos, but I'm not sure I want to go with them. Aside from the fact the kit is currently unavailable. I checked ATA and it's a 9 month waiting period. I have seen some WTF pics and the armor looks a bit more matte than glossy, not what I'm looking for. These things I do know i want: 1) Very very glossy armor (not sure if some just come this way or if you can do something to make it that way) 2) Super silver lenses 3) Super silver frown to match the lenses I want this stuff to pop!! Not sure these are major factors, but I'm about 5'11" 185-190lbs with a muscular build. Any expert assistance you guys could give would be much appreciated! Thanks everyone, Michael from Clearwater
  4. Hi Jeff, My name is Michael and I have recently decided to make my first build a Shadowtrooper. I was convinced by a popular Magmatrooper around the boards. I want armor that is super glossy just like yours. Do you mind me asking where you got yours from? Did it come that way or did you treat it post-purchase? Thanks for the help! Michael
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