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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Sidewinder

  1. Instead of painting gray paint in grooves, I tried this trick. Take sandpaper fold it a few time to create roughly a 1/16 to a 1/18 inch edge. Use sandpaper to rough up surface inside grooves, follow contour of groove. The roughed up glossy Black ABS turns to a flat gray. You can control thickness of line, fade line to look like weathering. See sample picture of my armor. Let me know what you think.
  2. I have an Anovos helmet, looking to add a rangefinder. Any suggestions?
  3. Wow, it like putting a regular TK helmet next to an FX helmet. Bobble head.
  4. If you ordered 850 armor, straps and buckles are included plus belt and belt buckle.
  5. I bought a Anovos Death Trooper helmet, I don't like the bubble lenses it comes with, due to the distortion. I was thinking in using the same flat green lenses which are used on the Sandtrooper buckets. Any suggestions?
  6. On my TD armor, I used weather stripping at bottom inside of shins. It keeps in place and eliminates rubbing sound of armor on boots.
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