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Everything posted by Daievans2016
Forgot to mention in the previous post the final two items I needed to carry on with the forearms and shins (the two rubber wrist bands for the forearm and an A3 sized sheet of black ABS for my shins) have now come back so I can make a start on that this week. Also with the buckles which attach to the shoulder straps, what colour are they supposed to be because I've seen many plane black ones, many dirty/damaged metal looking ones. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
So this weekend I made a start on finishing the helmet as the spray came for it and my audio set up. My visor is ready to put in also. So it has been sprayed and touched up. Also my buckles and straps came and I'm very happy with them, if people want to know who I've got them from let me know. Also sprayed some of the smaller parts and they have come out really nicely, but some items have also come out horrible in patches where the paint wouldn't stick. Also made a start on my E11-D. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
Right posting this due to my lightbulb moment...... I have glued the front of my shins together as flush as I can get them, I knew that I would have to do some minor filling as I've seen from other's WIPs with the same kit, but I have also now experience the problem of my calves being too big for the shins so I'm not able to close them, I've got a few ideas but one of them is the one in the drawing below. Using Ava foam, IL shape out an extension piece which will lip lock with the armor and span across to the other side also lip locking on that side. That will be glued using aroldite (if it's not one which will react with the foam) the cover strip will be removed from the end and will be left off until a later point. The outside join line will be covered over with fine filler and sanded lightly. The Ava foam can be sprayed with plasti dip primer which will allow it to move without cracking the paint. The coverstrip with then be recentered and stuck on. Can all then be sprayed with the gloss black. Any chance this will still allow me to get cleared or is it a step too far in the wrong direction? Any input would be much appreciated. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
So done my practice run with my first pouch and im actually quite happy with how it has turned out, a few alterations to templates and it should be good. With rhat being said, I felt I was on role with it until I noticed that I had attached the flap on wrong and when turned back around the right way, so in the pictures I have decided to not showing the flap but as a guide with the pouch cover being attached and the size of the pouch being right. Belt loops also attached the the back of the pouch. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
I just noticed I hadn't posted pictures from where I'd done the thighs and tinkered with ideas for the thermal detonator attachment to the kidney plate. The thigh boxes are now attached filled and sanded. Kidney plate is now attached using three straps to the back section and fits well which I'm happy of. I'm thinking of using some snaps here to make sure that my ab plate stays right and in the same place not sure it's overkill but it's extra secure I've used two unit fixings and cut it to the shape of the detonator. They fit well but not sure with the height in which the detonator will sit away from the kidney plate. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
As I am still waiting for certain stuff to come back, I've decided to give making my on pouches a go. The material has come for the three main larger pouches. I made paper versions of the the larger pouch and the one leather pouch. Also using the belt pouch covers which can with Jim's kit as a template for size. So have now done the templates on the material, will now start to construct one of the pouches to see how it goes and if I'm happy with it IL then make the other two tonight . Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
So on Friday my undersuit arrived from The Armouryshop and fits alot better than my Imperial Boots and is alot more comfortable. Trousers are definitely better than hotpants. Next cut out the top parts in the thighs After sticking the boxes on the one thigh using Aroldite, I then used filler to fill in the gaps between the boxes and thigh, will now sand after it has set I've now painted all the parts atm which will have the silver effect, not happy though with the buckle so could go the spray method Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
So as I'm waiting for stuff which I've ordered online I've started assembling main body together, I've gone with snap poppers as they are simple and effective. The main body is consists off one snap on each of the shoulders which the connects the chest plate to it, then three snaps at the bottom of the chest plate, one in the middle and one either side on the sides for added support due to my size and past problems with a gap showing in-between my Tk ab plate chest plate at times. With it being the fiberglass mixture, the material is strong enough and durable to withstand the tension if needed The ab plate then has the female snaps up the top so the chest plate can be fastened to it, at the bottom it has a single snap for the cod piece, thinking about having one either side again though to add abit more stability. The ab plate also has a snap near each of the bottom corners which the thighs will attach too, I've gone for this method instead because I always had trouble with the belt method slipping down whilst trooping The kidney plate is also fastened with three snaps to the butt plate with a single snap at the bottom to attach to the cod piece like the TKs ATM the kidney plate is connected to the back plate via heavy duty velcro until I can get a definite place to where it will fit nicely with my new undersuit on due to my upper body being quite long I don't want to risk not having enough room as mobility I've started making progress on my thigh pieces, as I wait for the new lot of glue to be delivered I used scraps from the velcro and placed all the add on parts where they needed to be to check how everything looked Atm this is how it all sits minus the kidney and butt plate Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
As I wasn't happy with gloss coats on the parts I sprayed already, I decided to start again so I used wet and dry paper and sanded the gloss coating off, also redone most of the imperfections with fine filler. Once sanded down, I resprayed with the primer for the first coat Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
As the weather was a little better today I made a start on my forearms and my shins. Alot of work was needed to be done to try and get the overlaps to fit smoothly and to build up a suitable area in which to glue on. Will then use fine filler to fill in the small gaps. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
Unfortunately due to the weather not being so kind, I had to start spraying in the shed so set up everything but even then that didn't really help much due to the temperature even with heaters on. Filled alot of the pockets and imperfections with filler and sanded them down, I put my first coat of black gloss on but as you can see from the picture the one side looks hell of a lot worse that the other side so I think I'll be doing alot of sanding and starting it again, same as the shoulder bells too. Hoping it was just due to the weather and not my spray technique. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
Ah cheers guys, very much appreciated 😀 Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
With the method you used with connecting your shins and calves together, do you have much leeway with getting them on? I'm worried about them breaking under the stress. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
So once tested and made sure the helmet was ready I put on my first coat of primer to see all the blemishes and pin pockets from the casting. For the vents I used two strips of metal wired mesh and then stuck them in place to see how they would turn out Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
The helmet insert I'm using is an old British Army helmet insert spider. The insert has a number of hard sponges around the outside of the rim which helps the insert fit snuggly inside the top of the helmet which helps because it can now be removed simply if needed. The insert is also a perfect size to allow the helmet to sit on my head allowing me to have perfect line of sight through the visor. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
Once all the prep was done, I cut out the visor, the tusks insert sections at the front and the the vents on both sides, when doing the venting on the one side a few little pockets opened up due to when the vents were being filed down due to the fibers so that will be filled in. All the excess fiberglass fibres and rough edges were sanded down for a smoother and more comfortable finish. https://i.imgur.com/Kexjd9H.jpg[/img]"]http://
For some reason it's not allowing me to use my files three the website version so trying it here. This is the helmet when I received it in its raw state, after lightly sanding down any left over residue from the casting. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
Let's try this again. I've had to put this part off for a while as I've been busy with work and just the task of doing it as I don't really get along with the method of these Whips and photobucket haha. I've managed to get most of what I need for my build with only a few hiccups along the way. My armour and helmet is from Jim's kit. My boots, gloves and first undersuit.... well undershirt and hot pants are from Imperial Boots. It was the Killer Combo package. The undershirt I couldn't use due to it being too small for me plus wasn't really happy with the hot pants situation but I should have done my research on that part. The shirt not fitting could be due to the sizing being different in different countries. The shirt I ordered was XXL. The gloves and boots however fit perfectly and couldn't complain at all. My new undersuit I've ordered is from TheArmoryShop so just now waiting for it to be delivered. So with my armour I've done quite abit to the armour and parts. I've lightly sanded everything to a smooth finish with no residue left on the outside and also sanded down the fiberglass fibres on the inside of the armour parts. The Helmet is my most complete part.