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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by B.Carter

  1. Hello It's been a while ^^ The week-end after my last picture, I had a small convention I used as a crash test for the armor ^^ What I learned : - The sniper plate and the other part in the thigh NEED to be riveted otherwise they fall apart - The shoulder straps hold on thank to you technic - I needed to cut more of the return edge on the back of the shins and thighs because it pinched me A LOT Here are two pictures of that week-end. So I made all the changes and they I submited to my GML And I learned on Monday that my TX is approved :D So I'm now TC/TX 89623
  2. Thank for the tip I'll place the armor better next time And you're right, I totally forget the tube stripes for the helmet I only have 9 provide with the helmet so I guess I'll see what trooperbay has to offer ^^
  3. I doesn't have a lot of room to do pictures so better pictures need to wait a week but here you go The shoulder straps seems to be holding on but we'll see after more than 10 min in the armor what happen :)I have a pinch at the back of my right knee so I need to cut a little bit more plastic there. The gloves aren't the right one but I was too lazy to go in the basement grab the goo ones ^^ And I relalized I completly forgot the do the detonator What do you think of it ?
  4. Nice idea for the strap ! I'll do that Thank for your input about the foream
  5. It's been a while ^^ I did my first complete test fit today. Everything seemed good except that the shoulder straps keep ungluing I was thinking maybe put something in the holes to have more surface to stick. What do you think ? And also, the forearm are too big. The CRL doen't mention the number of details you need to have on it. The picture in the CRL have 10 but mine have 12. Is it bad if I cut one of ?
  6. I'm afraid it will be too narrow for my wrist to pass. Do you think I should cut at little bit more ?
  7. Yep that's glue ^^ But don't worry I can peel it off without leaving any marks on the plastic I did it right after the picture actually and it looks way better and cleaner ^^
  8. I found the forearm a little bit too large but I can't cut more in it XD
  9. Hello, It's been a month I've strated the build of my Anovos Shadow. It began with the trimming. Then I started gluing and straping everything together So far I have : Helmet : I need to put the padding in place. Chest/but/cod/... : everything is strapped together. I still need to glue the buttons on the belly and the plastic straps on the shoulders. Arms : all pieces are glued. I need to do the straps for the biceps to the shoulder bell and the strap for the shoulder bell to the chest. Legs : shins are glued. I need to add the cover strip in the back. The thighs are trimmed. Once they are glued I'll check where I need to cut it so I can walk then I'll add the details on the knees. Shoes : need to buy Gloves : need to find them in the house Here is how it looks now
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