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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by kamikaze

  1. Right, it's all a matter of personal preference and what looks best is in the eyes of the beholder, but personally I think a converted original trilogy TIE helmet from RS Propmasters makes for an amazing look. That said, it does take a decent amount of work to restructure the trident, fill in the gaps, mold the oxygen connections, etc., but IMHO it's worth it and stands out from the other current helmets.
  2. Personally I don't think the teeth are the same gray as the mohawk. I also think you need to look at direct and not through the green scope lens. The other issue is how the reflections off of the teeth are going to be a tad different than the helmet surface it is next to since they are different contours. I just took this shot for example, the middle teeth that lack reflections look nowhere near as light as a grey as the mohawk, and also don't look as glossy black so I think the flat black recommendation is pretty decent without having the actual textures themselves to go by. Hope this helps.
  3. Yes, the chest is different. The main thing is the "connections" that the shoulder straps from the back go.
  4. Yes, I totally understand. I have a Del and my wife has an Iden set which we like to troop together with, but there are two other Idens in the area that we need to balance appearances with which can be annoying if it means she can't go as Iden. I was going to work on getting her a Seyn kit to open up more options for us and was disappointed when I heard this news.
  5. That is quite unfortunate and nobody wanted to see that happen, especially the LMO team. The only thing that comes to mind is moving towards an Iden/Del/Gideon instead since the parts which were ordered would be applicable to those as well.
  6. ^ This, plus the fact that we have complete visual references for her three squad mates, all of which is shared apart from the different belts or tactical gear add-ons, makes a strong foundation for what the vast majority of her look would be like. Including her also makes diplomacy easy in JRS/SOD having two sets each which is nice.
  7. So now that the CRLs are finalized and up on the legion side as approved sets, may want to move this forum over to the TX Costuming section away from the pending approval section. Woohoo!
  8. Two issues with the helmet: 1) There shouldn't be screws next to the trident combining the face to the helmet sides. 2) There are no oxygen mask connectors in front of the ears above the tubes. Also, hard to tell from the third photo, but there should be no unfilled gaps between the face and the helmet. The space that the original trilogy helmets had is completely filled up to make a seamless joint in the Inferno helmet.
  9. While on the subject of the CRL, any idea how that approval is progressing? I know it was submitted on 11/25 to the LMO team, not sure how long it is expected to turn that around. My wife and I have completed sets (Iden & Del) and were really hoping to troop some of TLJ premiere events with them, though without a final CRL I'm not sure what the policy towards that would be.
  10. Yes, if you're willing to put in the work you can convert an original trilogy helmet into an Inferno. I did that with two for my wife and I. Gist is this: * Reduce trident size, align with lip on forhead helmet. * Cut rectangular indent into trident. * Only have the one greeblie on the left side. * Fill in any and all gaps between the face and the helmet. * Mold oxygen mask connectors near the ears. * Cut out eight teeth and back with mesh. * Use appropriate greeblies in the hose ports. * Attach pillbox if you don't already have it. * Use Imperial greeblies without a notch. * Use an appropriate red lens. * Paint Mowhawk, stripes, symbols, teeth, vocoder appropriately. Ours were originally RS Propmaster helmets, and they converted beautifully into Inferno, with a decent amount of work of course:
  11. The WIP CRL can be found here: -----SNIP----- EDIT: Removed the WIP CRL as it shouldn't be exposed. It isn't yet deemed a final CRL as it is still under review by the LMO team but it's about as close as your going to get.
  12. Technically it's right edge needs to align with the left shoulder strap and hang towards the arm. I find you can actually achieve that best by strapping the right underside to the vest webbing so it doesn't actually move with the arm. Just some food for thought.
  13. Inferno squad consists of four named characters, there are no other troopers in it so I would highly doubt there will be a basic non-hero version.
  14. Sweet news! Looking forward to the CRL being final and joining the ranks of the SOD with this next set.
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