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501st SpecOps[TX]
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    Galen Marek

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  1. did you talk to jeff directly? or just looked at the sc website? the reason i ask is because a local just had a full shadow scout made by sc and it shipped out yesterday.
  2. @Raider -- glad to know the chef helmet is 5 piece like most. i could not remember how he made his. and i never had any extra fees with my euro orders ... i ordered from RS, Chef, CFO and never noticed any extra charges. his kits are: $450 armor only + plus shipping $600 complete + shipping i dont want to assume but, it looks like his helmet would be $150 +shipping his helmet is abit difficult if you never built a 5 piece helmet due to the lack of cut lines or mold marks of any kind ... last i saw, which was a couple weeks ago they dont pencil in anything like trim lines to work with. but, it is like all 5 piece builds which require some test fitting and trimming to get the pieces all lined up. also, with the matte finish, maybe think of doing some extra steps and adding several base layers, primer grey, then step that up to several silver or chrome layers before you spray the black. if you do catch a rub or scratch it will show the depth of the layers and look like metal underneath the black paint if the surface paint is rubbed away.
  3. you have plenty of options ... what are you looking for? just to get approved or screen accuracy? with some of the kits they way they are put together i suggest dont get caught up in the extra cost of having black plastic ... its not worth it since you have to paint them anyways! scout bucket options ... (not all ?) ~ EFX and RS ... these are the most screen accurate although RS is more screen accurate do to EFX using fiberglass and has a flairing out issue with the cheek area on the visor and huge gap on the top of the buckets visor ... these are abit pricey too! ~ CFO (who uses Lonewolf molds now) i would say is the next in screen accuracy ... euro based vendor ... the new molds are sharp ... trusted vendor ~ Chef Creations ... euro based vendor and great guy, his soft parts are top notch and his helmet looks great too ... trusted vendor ~ Altmann ... nice guy, australian based vendor bigger bucket for bigger heads ... trusted vendor ~ Studio Creations ... another great guy ... US based vendor ... nice lightweight helmet, different construction than most which doesnt require painting after its built ... trusted vendor ~ WTF ... US based vendor ... decent helmet once its built ( i suggest letting him build it though) ... trusted vendor ~ MonCal/Far Away Creations ... US based vendor ... his kits looks good ... trusted vendor all these buckets are nice and they each have their own look as they are fan sculpted (except the EFX an RS helmet) and all the "trusted vendors" above make scout armor too CFO --- uses Strider molds for armor and Lonewolf molds for the helmet ... this combo is a nice screen accurate look RS makes armor --- very pricey and their claim of being screen used is well, they cant/wont prove it (thats a whole other story) EFX doesnt make armor also, this is not a costume i would worry about getting glossy, shiny black plastic like a Shadow Trooper or DeathTrooper, a matte black finish is a better option for the scout, imo. if you do want to go shiny though ... then i suggest you go with the studio creations kit, you will have to contact Jeff directly(use FB) as he doesnt have the Shadow Scout armor on his website but, he does make it. and with his kit its complete and requires no paint. im not sure if chef creations and moncal/faraway creations helmets are built like studio creations where they wont require painting. all the others though, will require painting of the helmet to match your armor! ~ i have built 10 RS buckets and they are of white plastic. after primer and painting 2 of them matte black you would never know that they where white, i even painted my armor to match my bucket. hope that helps ! btw ... im working on my 2nd shadow scout. retired my 1st one. with white armor and a white helmet all from CFO ... will paint it all matte black.
  4. i have the patches and been researching the costume ... with the parts cost of the scout its easier and cheaper for me to complete that than to get into a whole new costume.
  5. well, back when i joined the legion/spec ops the shadow scout was my first costume. i was so anxious to get a costume and get to trooping that i bought it from a forum member here. i was waiting on a regular scout armor(from cfo) to be finished and i was told it was more than several months out. so, i got approved as a shadow scout and a couple weeks later cfo was sending me the 1st of his scout armor. so, i built the scout trooper and got approved ... and i never had the want to jump in the shadow scout armor as my first love was a scout trooper. i ended up selling the shadow scout, got my money back and started sourcing parts for a starkiller costume(it just looked so wicked) well, with working with cfo on his scout armor i ended up with about half another scout costume. the armor pieces have been sitting around and i thought why not get back into the shadow scout. if all goes well, come the end of december or sometime in january i will be an active specops member again. i see you all reworked the scout crl i had worked on with you ... nice to see those changes. a couple things still could use tweaking but, that can be brought up at a later time
  6. Hello Troopers!!! I finally got the Imperial Army patch finalized with Endor Finders and they are in stock and ready to be purchased! I really appreciate Johns willingness to make this happen and for posting them to his store front and giving us these patches so, we can make our costumes ... thanks again John! anyways, click the link below to make a purchase for the patch ... Endor Finders Imperial Army Patch and if you would rather want to use the store front: once your at endor finders main page then look at the top left and select shop ---> scroll to the bottom of the page ... you should see the patches there go get 'em
  7. theres no need for it not to be approved. the crl doesnt given exact details on all things like colors, height of the entire patch A shield shaped patch. The patch has an Imperial cog symbol approximately 2.75 to 3 inches in diameter. The background of the patch has a more narrow shield shaped design on top of a box colored a darker shade of green. the crl's main take is the size of the cog, the patch looking like a shield and that the shield on the inside of the patch sits on a box go and get your patches sewn on
  8. run is going into production and the fixes (side and bottom) are being addressed it will be about a months time and then i think it will be a permanent fixture on the Endor Finders site. ill update again, when i know more
  9. alright, ill make sure again that the edge and the bottom are not going to look like this proof. and hopefully get this run started ...
  10. alright, proof is in. @Raider @Blackwatch @mlgroberts02 @areilly critique please ... the bow in the side is not going to be an issue ...i already talked to the vendor about it ~ 6.3" tall ~ 3.15" wide ~ scaled to the imperial cog per crl and my request edit: post 66 ... for the empire!!!!
  11. so, i take it all the people in the list on page 1 received their patches?
  12. im looking to get a pair of patches to build an army costume and from what i have read and been told im not sure the source for them is worth going through. so, im thinking of sourcing them myself. i see some 15 people are waiting or wanting them ... is there still an interest to finish or start an army costume? who would be interested in a pair or more of imperial army patches? post below please ... one way or another i will make it happen and get my 2 patches ~ interest count ~ 2
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