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    Canadian Garrison

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  1. 850 armorworks made my armor, and it is precut with a finished helmet. Just need to strap it and glue certain pieces together.
  2. I've been unable to find any sort of comprehensive assembly guide here on the forums. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places, but considering I've now received my full kit in all its disparate pieces it is time for assembly to begin. As usual, any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. Im sorry, im at home right now sick and have a migraine, should probably not add internets to that mix to be honest.
  4. Except as indicated by chaos in the very same post, that with minor modifications the Cairo boot is acceptable so...I have the opportunity to spend 130$ for a pair of boots or 350-400$ for basically the same pair of boots. As well, I'm not completely inept when it comes to working on certain things for an armor kit or on individual pieces. All told, I could use some shoe dye or paint to change the color of the threading and some acetone and sandpaper will quickly remove the logo on the rear of the heel. As well, it has nothing to do with the fact of the costume being expensive considering just this Saturday I spent approximately 1800$ for my full kit, helmet and gloves. Plus another 380 for the undersuit a few weeks ago. The fact of the matter being that I personally am unwilling to spend a prodigious amount of money on something that is scarcely visible. And honestly if it's not been made clear already, I'm a current member of the 501st with other costumes and props under my belt.
  5. it will still end up being around 350$ canadian for those boots, im just not willing to spend that much to be honest, for a boot that is going to be 80% hidden by oyher things
  6. And here I embark on my third (technically Fourth) Build for the 501st legion with the First being Snowtrooper, the second being Mimban Officer, ( The third being and Eweb turret Handmade from the ground up) and now this fine piece of imperial engineering. LET IT BEGIN. My Build: Helmet/Armor Kit was ordered on 05/22/2022 From 850 Armor works https://850armorworks.com/Death-Trooper-Costume-Armor-KIT-p145019948 Assembly will commence on receipt of the kit. Full Build Wip: https://imgur.com/gallery/opLIYHc The thigh pieces have been a bitch to assemble...and i just have to strap it and finish the belt and we are ready to rock and roll. Undersuit/necksuit/apron/gaskets/corset, Boot covers and 3 canvas pouches Were Ordered from Jim Tripon on 05/02/2022 and arrived on 05/19/2022 pictures to be added soon. Balaclava (Already Own one) Gloves Were ordered from Endor FInders on 05/22/2022 https://www.endorfinders.com/shop/rogue-one-trooper-gloves Belt leather pouch was ordered of 05/22/2022 from 850 armor works https://850armorworks.com/Death-Trooper-Leather-Pouch-p254138282 Boots are Doc marten Cairo Casual Boots the yellow stitching will be colored black and the logo on the back heel will be removed. https://www.drmartens.com/ca/en_ca/cairo-leather-casual-shoes/p/26180001 Helmet Audio System Already own a chatter system that i mukked up for my snowie and a loud speaker system for my officer, will likely use the chatter box for the DT as well and not use the DT standard chatter system for ease of use. at least while i get used to the costume. Helmet Cooling System - Most likely will design my own system as ive done in the past for other costumes. For the holster on the belt, I'm building it myself as I have the available materials and the know how to make it in short order. Pictures will be provided soon.
  7. understood, and im thankful for the help, admittedely its been an ongoing issue with my local gml that they keep trying to upscale the applications directly to level 2 from the getgo, which they should not be doing, bu that is an issue for another day.
  8. Ill intially apologize for any commentary below that may seem offensive or attacking in nature, im a person on the autism spectrum and im very black and white so this stuff drives me insane. After talking to crow props and discovering that it will cost in or around 340$ Canadian for their boots and talking to imperial boots and the largest size they make is size 11. It seems frankly impossible for me to acquire a pair of usable boots. Also, The Jered and Talib boots are no longer manufactured. Period, as in they cannot be purchased at all. Save from a lucky buy or sell on marketplace or on ebay for an obscene price, usually around 500$ Canadian. I went to my local doc martens store today and took a look at their Cairo boots with the panels attached. As far as looking the part it seems that they do in fact look how they are supposed too as far as the wording is indicated on the CRL. Basically, what im saying is that the standard that is trying to be upheld here is rather ridiculous, and the fact that one or two trusted vendors will sell these boots at outrageously overpriced rates is ridiculous as well, even woith covid causing an increase in the overall cost of goods, the price of some of these boots is rather obscene, as thecrowprops boots will sell for more than the actual doc martens boots ever retailed for including inflation. As well, this is directly ripped from the Crl page: basically indicating that the cairo boots meet the basic requirements. Also, the boots in the photo are glossy black not matte black, so technically, these boots are more true to form according to the wording. Boots are made from matte black leather or leather-like material with a capped toe and seams as seen in the photo. The sole shall have no heel. The boots extend under the shins. All fastenings/laces are hidden behind a rectangular panel made of smooth rubber or a shiny black material with approximately 1/4" (6mm) wide horizontal ribs. The side edges of the panel shall be turned back on themselves to form a smooth rib-less border. The rectangular panel extends from under the shin. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Original Dr Martens “Jered” shoes or replicas with a leather pull tab midway on the heel. The rectangular panels shall not be wider than the width of the top of the shoe and will lay as flat as possible against the shoe with the front edge not extending past the upper and sole seam.
  9. i need like a 12.5 or size 13 so ill most likely go with crowprops...
  10. https://www.drmartens.com/ca/en_ca/cairo-leather-casual-shoes/p/26180001#details as compared to
  11. Basically, im looking for information regarding different vendors, and which is the best. Ideally, Im looking to get the suit made from HIPS or ABS. any info that can be provided is most welcome.
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