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501st SpecOps[TX]
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  1. There are a couple builds in the IOC forums. They are also arguing it is their costume. But either way, there are some great research going on already
  2. I know I rarely post, but I also support the move to IOC and rebrand them as a "Regular Army" detachment. Give them all the nonspec ops units. Real world examples is a SF Engineer vs Army Engineer. The SF engineer is has to pass Army basic & any specialized school first then go on to SF Selection and then SF Engineer training. Regular Engineer is just Army basic and then Engineer school (AIT) I know it would ruffle lots of egos, but aren't we just adults playing dress up anyway? I like multiple options for my dress up. I'm in multiple detachments as lots of you are. The only reason I even see a need for detachments is to organize the costumes better and share the load of approval.
  3. Just got approved. Thanks everyone for your help
  4. Been awhile, but just had some alterations done to mine I had to wait on. I just submitted it to my GML.
  5. I finally got around to this costume again. I have all the parts, just need to finish a couple things -Make it less shiny - Remove tag from boots -take in sleeves - add black snap on collar -tighten up the belt & suspenders
  6. They looked exactly like the ones I linked up top. I also found another pair of a different brand at DSW. I'll post a pic of them soon. They have some additional stitching and some logos. If I can clean them up enough, they could work. So far I'm seeing a pattern of Winter Boots being the right height, so might even be other brands out there.
  7. I just saw a pair of these at a Shopko/Payless. So someone is still making these.
  8. I've ordered some and gotten nothing yet. I was just looking into doing a run of them unless someone else is already working on it.
  9. I havent had to to get shots of mine yet, but these are the exact same boots. I think they will work really well. http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/5843-imperial-army-trooper-build-following-new-proposed-crl/
  10. These are the exact boots I'm going to use on my engineer too. They are perfect.
  11. i found a set of these boots on ebay. mine are size 13, I think they match up perfectly. They would be anywhere from 8-9in tall.
  12. I came across a pair of boots today that I think are more accurate. The Jack boots arr too tall. I do understand that they can work, so I propose a level 2 boot. These are "Hunter Bay Black Waterproof Commuter Boots" They do have a zipper on the inside, so it would be easily concealed. As you can see in the attachment, they match up better. I even found some jack boots by the same artist, so you can see the differences in source materials.
  13. Follow up question, Does it even have to be a jumpsuit or just look like one? None of the pictures have them without a belt. You could take some tactical cargo pants, add a Dickies or tactical type shirt, tuck that shirt in and hide the belt area with the tactical belt. It is just like the Mandos do.
  14. This is the same on the engineers & troopers. Going over the reference pics, it looks like the leg pockets are on the sides and are external cargo pockets vs flat pockets on the front as on TIE jumpsuits. So I guess how accurate are going for? Side note, One of the engineers had a MP38/40 case like the TKs use, that could be added as an alternate belt item.
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