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501st SpecOps[TX]
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PaulM last won the day on January 12 2021

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About PaulM

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  • 501st Garrison
    New England Garrison

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  1. I’m completely redoing my audio system. I have a Ukswraths system and was thinking of adding a iComm voice modulation to it. I was wondering if anyone has done this or not. I’m keeping the amp and changing out the speakers to a different style. The DT chatter from the MP3 player is getting changed to a finger trigger system. So just curious on what everyone thinks.
  2. Hi From Spain, Please can you tell me What kind of clothes have you used to make the undersuit?.


    Thanks for your information.

    1. PaulM


      Hi, I purchased the fabric from Mood Fabrics here in the states. It’s a faux leather ribbed fabric. 

    2. TK11108


      Thanks for your help.

  3. I haven’t been on in a while. I would have to say you’re doing a great job keep it up.Your blaster is most impressive. ?
  4. Finally after 2 1/2 years with a lot of ups and downs I can finally say TX-83111 reporting for duty. ?
  5. Funny you say that. That’s in my top three. ?
  6. Thanks, You will get there ?
  7. Its been a long road but I finally submitted my pictures. It's been a great journey on this build with lots of ups and downs. I will defiantly take on another project like this. Thanks to everyone on and off this forum it's been a trip. https://imgur.com/17IMgrd
  8. https://imgur.com/a/QgHdpr1 One more piece to the puzzle.
  9. I’ll most likely shape the front of the spat to the boot and then secure it better so that it won’t move around.
  10. Yes that’s what I had to do. The problem was is that I couldn’t get them to close around my ankles with the boots on. I might down the road 3D print some new ones.
  11. Hi, Jim’s kit is pretty easy to work on. It’s all trimmed and easy to sand if you cut to much off it’s easy to fix. Most of the trimming I had to do I used a dremel. The only real issue I had was the shins. I had to mod them to get a better fit. The paint I used was Rustoleum appliance paint. It went on easy and I didn’t have to clear coat it. Hope this helps you. If you have any more questions feel free to ask I’ll try to help you anyway I can.
  12. One more. I inserted a piece of a coat hanger on the front of the covers so it would form to the boot better. Also incorporated the laces and velco to hold it better to the boot. Hopefully it won’t shift around to much.
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