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501st SpecOps[TX]
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  1. That's peculiar. It's the same files I used to resin print mine and it turned out correct scale. I just opened the base part in Creo and it set the units to MM (I think that's a Creo default for STLs) but the part measured 2.5mmx2mm. I could just convert the units to inch and it's correct. I'll take a look tonight if I have time to see if I saved the Fusion files and can re-export with different units to see which one works for you.
  2. I modeled and posted the Del Meeko compad on Thingiverse a while back when I was building my costume. It's compliant to the size requirement. Search "Del Meeko" and it'll pop up.
  3. I got a new resin printer a couple weeks ago and decided to make this my first project. Here's an image from the game: and here's mine: I printed a regular one and then one to house the LEDs from the lighted one that I bought. I'll install those soon. Perfectly sized and a perfect fit in the 2" x 2.5" pocket in my flight suit.
  4. I assumed from the lack of anyone jumping in to offer a solution that few if any exist. So I made my own! Actually, I took one off Thingiverse and rebuilt it at the new size requirements. Hope it helps some others out there. Now to find someone that can print it for me. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5021480
  5. I'm nearly done with my Del Meeko build but I can't find anywhere to get a compad. I bought an LED one before the updates were posted and now it doesn't fit in the pocket of my flight suit. I need to find somewhere to get one that meets the 2" x 2.5" requirements of the CRL. Anyone got any ideas?
  6. I have a Jim Tripon vest for sale on the board. It will need to be reworked a little if you’re trying to get approved under the new standards but would work great under the previous CRL if you’re within the grace period.
  7. I actually velcroed the lenses in and then velcroed the mesh over top of them. It was suggested that the mesh may be trouble in low light situations so I wanted it to be removable. They’re not real well secured so I may eventually come up with a better way to secure them.
  8. So here's how I did mine. Might help. I covered the outside of the lens in painter's tape, held the lens in the helmet opening and then traced the eye cutout onto the tape with a Sharpie. Once I had the outline of opening on the lens, I drew a line about a quarter inch--maybe a little more--outside that line. I then cut a little outside that line and sanded with my Dremel up to the outer line. That gave me two lenses that were about a quarter inch bigger than the helmet eye opening. As for the mesh, I picked one lens and traced it onto the mesh. I cut it out and then used that as a template for the other mesh (I wanted the holes to be at the same angle so I lined up the hole pattern and then traced around the outside). I mounted them with some Velcro but I'm not sure I like how well they're mounted. I may just glue them in place or something.
  9. Thanks, Anton and David, for the replies. My biggest issue right now is if my flight suit vendor will produce my suit with the CRL still potentially in flux. I’m sure I could build my costume to the new CRL and work with my GML as needed to get approval, but if the suit can’t get made the rest is moot. Anyhow, I appreciate the updates and hopefully I’ll hear about the suit soon.
  10. Can anyone provide an update on the release of this revised spec? I've been sourcing parts for a build to the new standards proposed so I'm hoping this is nearing release. I believe my flight suit may also be pending a design freeze based on the release of the standard. I don't know a thing about the working processes to have it made official at the Legion level so I have my fingers crossed that it's almost there. Thanks!
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