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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by JoeShoe

  1. you already posted a topic about this, and ignored the response that was posted?
  2. Same trooper gloves all the modern stormtroopers use. You can get a pair from endor finders https://www.endorfinders.com/shop/rogue-one-trooper-gloves
  3. Just getting a temperature check - where are we at with this CRL now?
  4. thanks for the thorough breakdown with this.
  5. All good with me. This is definitely one of the parts where we'll want a detailed breakdown in photo form for GMLs
  6. Do we want any clarification about the shoulder seam at L1? I see that we have measurements at L2, but perhaps something about where it should rest?
  7. Its certainly worth mentioning at the very least. Ill be impressed if anyone goes ahead and casts a polyurethane suit that'll degrade within a few months for the 501st, but all the more power to them if they manage it. I suppose we can clarify that it is acceptable to mix materials so long as the overall appearance/texture of the armor is consistent throughout the entire build.
  8. Segment 6 are not the same measurements as the remainder of the segments on the gorget. I believe my initial draft had them at 2", but i could be wrong about that... can we get a sanity check on that measurement please?
  9. We'll definitely want a detailed breakdown photo pointing out each segment (maybe numbering the boxes on a diagram?). The First order Snowtrooper CRL was highly detailed in that regard - would probably be good for us to have something similar.
  10. Needed a break reading the main 501st forums. I think i'l just live in detachments now lol Anyways, was there further discussion we wanted to do with this piece? The draft looks good to me.
  11. are we talking the belt itself? or the boxes? IMO, the belt itself shouldnt change size (other than length, of course). The boxes are what will look "off" if theyre not proportional to the wearer, although ive yet to see examples of anyone drastically larger or smaller in the kit.
  12. I suppose its time to return to the discussion regarding the gorget. Have ya'll made a decision so far as what you would consider to be permissible with the seam?
  13. I would say approximations would be good for L2. Having no specified number will allow individuals to scale appropriately to their needs, but still have a guide so far as where everything should be. We have enough references to provide measurements.
  14. I'm good with this. No connection for L2 sounds fair.
  15. So long as the Black verbage is consistent throughout the entire costume - I'd be fairly confident that the same Black was used throughout the armor. I'm of the agreement that it isn't a true matte finish, but then again, under harsh lighting/flash, matte can still have a slight amount of shine.
  16. Great ID'ing of the clips. Think that'll make an excellent addition for L2. I'm good with this section.
  17. Just getting caught up on all these threads. My apologies, im actually a principal scientist in Vaccine development. its been a busy time, as i'm sure you've guessed. Anywho, This looks good to me. My concerns have been addressed above.
  18. ive always advocated for the loosening the specific counts so that individuals of varying sizes/shapes can adjust their costumes to fit them without as much major construction as re sculpting ribs into the armor. Even the Deathtrooper CRL made adjustments to the cog on the backplate so that we weren't denying otherwise perfectly strong costumes Unless Disney is going to release some of the deleted scenes with sithtrooper footage, it's pretty unlikely we'll get better references than what we've already received. We've seen the costume outside of the movie more than just about anything else. We probably saw more of them on the red carpet honestly than we did in the movie. ?
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