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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by crazas

  1. My wife and I will be traveling all the way from Costa Rica to Japan to attend Celebration. We usually troop as Biker Scout but taking our armors will be difficult since we plan to stay for a couple of weeks. So the easiest solution is to find an almost all fabric (no armor) TX costume and this looks like the best choice. I do have an IOC costume or we can go as Reserve TIE pilots but we really want to stay as Spec Ops. Any help on patterns or a maker of the uniform will be greatly appreciated. (Looks like Keep trooping is not offering it at this moment)
  2. It has been a long time since this has been posted but if the files still available I'll be very happy to get the download link. Thanks in advance
  3. I have a WTF helmet (2 in fact), it was a pain to build and it took some heat gun work to give it the right shape.
  4. David is right, I forgot about the dremmel work, ear holes are filled and need to be cutted out
  5. I do have one, size is right, shape is correct. Need filling and sanding to close the battery cover (BTW the speaker system is pretty bad) and some other parts. I am going to replace the lens since your eyes will show on every single pic (even without flash) Other than that (and of course painting and adding decals) I think Hasbro did a very good job on this one. Anyone else who wants to share something about it?
  6. You need to remember that, due to the laws of some countries, blasters are no longer required to have your costume cleared.
  7. Try Plasti Dip, it works great BUT you will need to repaint depending on the use of the armor. for the firt time make at least 4-5 coats (let it dry between coats)
  8. I do agree, the lightsaber is a MUST have if it does not goes against local laws.
  9. As you all can see, Michael has an incredible eye for detail and is very good at modding the armor to fit his project. (I am proud to tell you all that this guy is my Garrison GML)
  10. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3361536 Try this one
  11. I´ll go for ABS, PLA can in fact, turn into a huge problem if left in the car
  12. sorry about the question but, how much did you pay for the files?
  13. When in doubt, ask, post your work in progress. The more pics the more help you'll get. To be honest, you have joined the best Detachment in the Legion and you are going to get all the help you need.
  14. An just a little piece of advise, remember, once you have made the cut, you can always cut more, but you cant cut less. In another words, when in doubt, leave enough plastic, you can always trim it down a little later if needed
  15. As our DL wrote before, Icomm is an inexpensive and really good option
  16. I have been using a Aker MR1505 12watt voice amplifier for a long time and it work great
  17. Mon cal is good but it takes YEARS for him to send you your stuff, if you are willing to troop soon go for Studio Creations
  18. Now that's some project!! I wish I have the files so I can send it to you. To be honest I'm not sure if I have ever seen those but I'll look for it.
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