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501st SpecOps[TX]
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  1. No. Everything there. I even have the patches there. Just need to attach them. 🙂
  2. Did some rework of the positioning. I think it sits way better now.
  3. How can i tighten them? if they run straight down like they should they will always be on the edge of the pocket, do they? Do you think thightening them will make look them different?
  4. Do you mean the pockets of the flightsuit? but the h-straps are on the edges of the pockets in the crl, too. Or do i misunderstand something? https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_imperial_army_trooper#Version Two
  5. Ty for the feedback. but i don’t understand what you mean. Could you paint it or something like that please?
  6. My first test fit. Need to add the patches. What do you think?
  7. Tyvm for the info. And one more question about the end of the harness. On the crl it is visible on the outside. But is it ok to wear it hidden on the inside, too? Like the Imperial Army Engineer.
  8. At what height the patches should be attached? It’s not specified in the crl.
  9. Hey David, ans are these things needed on the belt? Or are they just there because it's part of this belt to fasten it.
  10. Ok ty so far. I ment the fasteners i marked in the picture. These can be seen on your CRL main photo. Not the one on the harness. The first pic shows the belt i would get for cheaper money in Germany. Would that be ok for L1?
  11. Ok ty for the info. One more question about the oliv belt. Would that belt be approvable? Or are the fasteners needed which can be seen on the CRL picture?
  12. Just asking because on this reference it is replacing the pouches.
  13. Hi, if using a TK belt. Can the TK belt be worn to replace the pockets? Or are the pouches needed anyway?
  14. Yes, i was finishing the pouches for L1 at the moment but for L2 the buttons are needed. I even think that the loop does not have to be sewn because the snap holds in on place. But that's just a guess. I was reading your WIP David and that you going through the hole from the bottom. But the hooks which i have didn't close fit anymore to the belt, so i added the wire. I finished it now so far for L1. ? I moved up the harness. Hiding the pouches a bit more and added the patches.
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