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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by hopfot

  1. When it comes to detachment forums there is none better the good ol' special ops.
  2. Figured you would. Have you figured out what your doing about the bells? and did you get a look at michael's MC bells?
  3. I did my shadow all black but i'm going to get some grey scout decals to put on.
  4. I've already stated my opinion over in RBG. But I'll say again, great work there Tach. You working on this on the weekend at my place I take it. Also, how did you do that progress bar?
  5. Got someone in my garrison with TFU on PC. I've asked him for some Highres shots of the Shadow Trooper.
  6. I suppose I shall have to save up some money and build it.
  7. Thats a good idea. You just gotta make sure that any clear platic part arn't too transparent. in order for the light to look correct you would need something that is fogged. A light grit sanding to the inside of any transparent plastic would probably do.
  8. see that tree about 500-700 yards away. I'm ontop of the building behind you now.

  9. Thinking the same. Was thinking with the bells use one set chrome painted and second one black with section cutout and a blue light fixed between them. The thermal det may have to use an opaque pipe with a blue light inside it and power also for it and the butt plate. the lighting for the butt plate can be fitted under the belt with a gaurd to stop the light shining up onto the kidney plate. The chest plate would have a light fitted underneath it to shine on the Ab plate with power supply in the back plate, wich in turn can be wired out the shoulder bells. Helmet would have lights fitted in frown, above the chrome(mirrored) lens, and beneath cutout tube stripes. Right leg ammo boxes, you could fit a battery into one or 2 boxes and run the lights behind them. I think it would be safe to say that the lower legs and forarms have no lighting and are actually just chrome reflecting sourunding light. as there doesn't seem to be any sign of light shining out from underneath them. But more so on them. In saying that I would go with Crazas Colour scheme.
  10. If i ever get around to doing one of these, I'll do the Xbox/PS3 version with the lights. Wireing and lighting will be easy I kinda already figured it out. Hard part is building the armour
  11. I can vouch for the work tach has done, the pouches are looking good and the cumberbund.
  12. Ah okay. Might put it in then when I do all my decals. I wonder if I could get away with chrome decals, was an idea that someone else in my garrison had.
  13. Are we allowed the grey dimple on the chest?
  14. Looking awesome mate. Hope it gets approved cause if it does, it's my next step for my Shadow Scout. Don't suppose you would be coming to Aus for the Dreamworld Star Wars Weekend down under? Would love to see the general in action.
  15. If that's Dave "Witness" on BSN then yes. And My black ones were the first he made. And they turnd out awesome.
  16. Another option for the boots is a guy over on BSN who can do them, you'll just have to fit the holster. I used the Nylon webbing supplied and found it looked fine. Plus I got it on first go, just use duct or gaffa tape to get the fitting right then make your markings and melt out the rivit holes, and melt the ends of the belt to keep from fraying. the only thing I find annoying about the belt is trying to put it on, I made my clips too tight to the thermal det so no room for movement
  17. Good to see another join the Shadow Scout Ranks. Since you have gone SC for the Armour I would go PA for the blaster. There resin kit blasters are accurate and fit nicely into the SC boot holster. However if you inted to walk around with the blaster in your holster you will need to figure out a way to keep it from jumping out, whilst keeping inline with the CRL. If you figure it out let me know how . Also you may need to darken the visor on the SC Bucket, found mine was a little too transparent so I just stuck some Window tint on the inside,and to do this I had to remove a rivit that was holding it in. never replaced the rivit though as I found it usfull being able to remove my lens when neccesary, plus I can make multiple lenses for different light conditions.
  18. Is this the Jump Trooper from TFU? http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Jumptrooper
  19. I might have some game pics 360ish.
  20. Not so sure I'd be willing to go from the wii version of the game. Nothing against the wii just the wii version was very different from the Xbox and PS3 and PC versions. For example the look of the stormtroopers, they were missing the upper leg armour in the wii version. However it does seem to be a dark-grey or dark-silver in colour with black shoulder bells. And with the other versions I can see eminating from some parts is a blue light.
  21. Personally got to take a look at this and am very impressed by what I have seen. Cant wait for the finished product 'B2'.
  22. Personally got to take a look at this and am very impressed by what I have seen. Cant wait for the finished product 'B2'.
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