Thinking the same. Was thinking with the bells use one set chrome painted and second one black with section cutout and a blue light fixed between them. The thermal det may have to use an opaque pipe with a blue light inside it and power also for it and the butt plate. the lighting for the butt plate can be fitted under the belt with a gaurd to stop the light shining up onto the kidney plate.
The chest plate would have a light fitted underneath it to shine on the Ab plate with power supply in the back plate, wich in turn can be wired out the shoulder bells.
Helmet would have lights fitted in frown, above the chrome(mirrored) lens, and beneath cutout tube stripes.
Right leg ammo boxes, you could fit a battery into one or 2 boxes and run the lights behind them.
I think it would be safe to say that the lower legs and forarms have no lighting and are actually just chrome reflecting sourunding light. as there doesn't seem to be any sign of light shining out from underneath them. But more so on them. In saying that I would go with Crazas Colour scheme.