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Fenris C

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About Fenris C

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    Old Line Garrison

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  1. Just saw this. I ordered two on February 21st(along with two other unrelated patches), and have yet to receive anything. As a side note, I had been in contact with Walt about this and have been meaning to follow up with him.
  2. I would agree with having the option for either a left- or right-handed holster. I don't think any of the other non Face Character CRLs specify which side the holster needs to be on, and we do see them on both hips in the reference material. Also, in the one panel of the Trooper with the cross-draw holster that was posted, that blaster looks suspiciously like a DL-18. The curve of the grip matches, and the fact that the receiver ends where the back of the grip ends leads me to believe that it at minimum is not an E-11 or a DH-17.
  3. Sounds good, thanks. I'm hoping to have something more significant picture-wise this weekend, rather than just the traditional "all the things laid out" shot. Cheers!
  4. Figured I'd go ahead and start logging stuff here. No photos as of yet, but I'll hopefully be correcting that soon(ish). For starters, the gear list overall. Green is complete, yellow is awaiting assembly/modification, and red is to be acquired. Jumpsuit, Black, Imperial Army Patches, Imperial Army(x2) Harness, Black, Web Belt, Black, ALICE Pouch, Black, Handcuff (x2) Pouch, Black, Grenade(double) Pouch, Black, AR15 Magazine(triple) Pouch, Black, Utility(Large) Pouch, Black, AR15(Single) Holster, Black, E-11 Rifle, Blaster, E-11 Jackboots, Black, Imperial Army Cap, Fatigue, Imperial Army Gloves, Black, Short Goggles, Welding Once I get home and can pull out the bin of what I have, I'll add photos for everything. I did go ahead and get the 2" hooks from Strapworks, rather than the 1" and webbing to transition from them to the 2" webbing. I'm also debating between doing a Doopydoos conversion on the Hasbro E-11 I have, or buying a 3D printed one. Either way, that'll probably be one of the last things I finish on this project. As far as the pouches go, do we need to have anything in them to make them appear full, or no? Ideally, I'd like to leave at least some of them free to carry water and other necessities of life while trooping. Cheers!
  5. You can also reach out to Warren in OLG. I'm not sure of his prices for just the hats - I had him do a full Officer uniform for me - but he does good work. Last I talked to him, he mentioned he had a source for good-quality OD green fabric to make them out of.
  6. A couple things I'd like to mention on this proposed CRL. First, the way that this line reads: DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle For 501st approval: Based on a real or replica MG-34 machine gun Seems to indicated that resin casts, 3D prints, and high-quality scratchbuilds are not going to be approvable. I would suggest noting that they are(similar to the E-11 line item above this one). I'd also clarify that scratchbuilds need to be high-quality, and 3D printed items should have print lines minimized as much as possible. As far as the DLT-21 goes, I'd actually like some clarification on that, because my google searches are turning up empty, and even the Essential Guide to Weapons has nothing called that. Is it by chance a typo? If so, does it refer to the T-21 Light Repeating Rifle that the TDs carry in ANH(based off of the Lewis Gun)? Or does it refer to the DL-21 Blaster Pistol(based of the Henry Survival Carbine) that we see a couple officers carrying in ROTJ? Further, I know it's a common sense thing, but it might be a good idea to include a disclaimer at the bottom that any builds based off of real weapons must be demilled and permanently rendered inoperable prior to submission for 501st Approval. Just kind of a CYA note, basically. For the jumpsuit, I do think it would be a good idea to notate whether or not the standard IC/TI/IG flightsuit is approvable at the base level. If it is approvable for basic, then I'd move the pocket configuration to either L2 or L3. The section for boots also states the following: Normal leather grain/texture/lines are . While I think I know what this is supposed to say, there's a word missing. Unless it's simply confirming that such things exist in an existential way. Shouldn't it read as "Normal leather grain/texture/lines are approvable"? I would also suggest that this line: Jackboot buckles should not be shiny and can be painted dingy grey or gun metal read "Jackboot buckles should not be shiny and can may be painted dingy grey or gun metal
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