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Tomtrooper last won the day on August 6 2018

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About Tomtrooper

501st Info

  • Name
    Leclercq Thomas
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Fanwars Garrison South Belgium

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  1. Hello everyone ! After a Deathtrooper that need somes finishing, i start a New project, the mudtrooper Medic. Actually i know where find somes piece but i look for the jacket, do you know where i can find a finished ? I've heard about M64 belgian jacket one day ? Actually, Armor and helmet : 850armor works Pants : modified black pants Gloves : Highlander from Amazon Boots : jackboot Belts : Bluemilkprop (ordered) and 850 armor Scarf : store Hose : Etsy (ordered) Palatka : Etsy Jacket : ? i upadte and post pics in Time ?
  2. @nanotek @Devolver @Chaos Thanks a lot for your opinions ! Yes know i see sommes ''details'' that must be changed. I will trim to finish it probably next mounth. Actually i've begin a New project (mudtrooper) more simple ? For the paint it's easier to me but the rest need more work, and i look for the holster thanks ! Your answers is precious to me ! For the tight i finally use screw and strap glued inside, after control all is good ! I'm happy to show you soon the result ?
  3. Hello guys, pictures of the death send for pre-approvation https://photos.app.goo.gl/twpUbgCNrqZd2rWk9
  4. It take lont time i know but more than 1 year it's very very long no ? So i must waiting is that ?
  5. Hello everyone, actually i'm working to the tights but i don't know how to attach them to the armor. Can i cut a ''window'' in the high to pass a strap ?
  6. @Blackwatch not really, any news on the packet and no news from my postal service so i don't know what can i do :(
  7. https://photos.app.goo.gl/bvMLVnkPHX1UQSoE7
  8. So After a long, long time, my Deathtrooper is going to be finished ! I must finish pouches and somes buckles ....
  9. @Blackwatch, After this time i think my packet was lost by a postal service
  10. Sorry for answer too late ! Unfortunately my packet is never arrive, so i don't know find them and not track
  11. Hello and good Luck for your armor ! Personnaly i have the DC Martens Talib, the good point is that you can use them like normal boots when you don't troop, but you need to place the gasket ...
  12. A long time before i join the legion, i had begun a stomtrooper armor. And actually i tried to make her more accurate than when i buy it ! I'm not on the FISD but it's just to share my real first armor and because i like specops xD
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