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501st SpecOps[TX]
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nocjef last won the day on January 4 2019

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About nocjef

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    Imperial Sands Garrison

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    San Diego, CA

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  1. Since my approval years ago I see that the CRL changed and update the TU for the helmet. I searched around and found the WTF was able to provide one for me...but it's awful. The quality of the resin case was very bad and the scale seemed off compared to the CRL photos.... So I've modeled my own for 3d printing and I'm giving the files away. If you spot any glaring inaccuracies, I'm willing to try to fix it or share the fusion source. Merry Christmas! nocjef TX66667 IATCommUnit.3mf
  2. Thanks for clarifying. I still don't like the way the ab floats so I will continue to look into how to make one of these based on the shoretrooper version. I would ideally like the ab to be tighter and more form-fitting vs free-floating.
  3. Hey, Anyone trying to put one of these together yet? I have a shoretrooper so I have an idea on how it should function. I'm going to have to fabricate one of these since they're now part of the new CRL and my DarkSide undersuit was made some time ago. -Jef
  4. If you want a very good bond with PETG, I'd suggest using weld-on3/weld-on4. It's a solvent that will bond the PETG parts together and they will most likely break before the joint fails.
  5. Resurrecting this old post... Some of the IAT comic photos show the holster having a cover/flap. Opinions on that sort of holster or are we still on for the E11-style holster which is easily replicated and patterns are everywhere...
  6. I use these for blousing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0054L6SQU/?coliid=I2BA9QMCRVBORK&colid=266MLWHX6L3A6&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1 Those are now overpriced, you can get them for about $2 at an army/navy shop locally.
  7. Thought it would be fun to make a themed gear bag for my IAT. I looked around the local army/navy stores but much of the used gear was too big or too expensive. I found this cargo bag on amazon: Rothco Canvas Parachute Cargo Bag https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000HKMXTO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_iWbMCb22RWWXF I stenciled the imperial cog on both sides of the bag, did some airbrushing, and then went at it with the dremmel to add to the weathering. I think it came out pretty ok and goes with the theme.
  8. I've used this elastic on both my TK and my Shore: https://www.strapworks.com/Elastic_p/e.htm It's quite heavy duty and has a good memory. It is way better than the dritz stuff and has not failed me yet. It doesn't fray and take a good deal of effort to pierce. I used this for all of my snaps.
  9. I've modeled a single rocket in Fusion360 that I can share with you. I've printed it out and it looks pretty good. I haven't modeled the attachment for it which is why I haven't shared it publicly. Let me know if you're interested, I can send it over. Jef
  10. What sort of pattern are you using? What blaster will be used in the holster: E11 or DH17?
  11. We can do weathering? We can do weathering?!!! That should be added to the CRL I see it now, I totally missed that.
  12. If you're looking to get your IAT boots, get them quick. Payless is liquidating their inventories and going out of business. We'll need to find a new source of page-accurate boots now
  13. Approved. Had to swap out the goggle strap for a black one (I missed that!). Thanks everyone.
  14. I like the idea of adding Velcro, that would help them stay out. I’ll also weigh down the packs with loot so they help as well. Just waiting in the GML now. I was unaware at how few IAT there were in the wild. Jef
  15. Photos taken, now waiting in my GML to approve.
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