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areilly last won the day on April 13 2019

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  1. The model is there - needs some changes to make it printable because of all the odd overlapping details on the top. The colors here a little darker since it's not lit up. also just for comparison these are props on the Smuggler's run ride at Galaxys Edge:
  2. The promo images have it lit up, I don't think it's lit up in-game, but I'm not sure on that. the metal bits on the box all have the same gray/silver color in game - lighting & shadows would make it look dark
  3. From what I can see, they took a fairly standard jackboot design and gave it a taller shaft. I'm getting about a 38cm shaft height along the back of the leg, and on my German EU43/BW275 boots I have about a 32cm shaft (shaft not including the heel/sole). So overall about a 6cm/2.5" taller shaft than the standard jackboot.
  4. They're maybe a little bit smaller, but not by much. They seem close enough to consider them the same size.
  5. Getting the measurements was a bit tricky, since the model is bit lumpy/rounded off since the pouches are stuffed, so I tried to get an average measurement between the different sides and the left/right pouches the Scout Trooper CRL has this: and that's pretty close to what I was getting from the model +/- 1cm, so I'd say we go with the same measurements
  6. I think its only really noticeable from that artificial top-down view - from any normal angle it appears flush. also with the hip belt attachment, including the under belt doesn't make it any clearer either - the belts even overlap
  7. Here's some of the hidden bits in the over belt. the back part doesn't show any buckles or adjustments, but since most of it is covered anyways it wouldnt be hard to hide a buckle in there. as before the scout pouches are attached with magic. back strap of the hip pouch also has a magic attachment. Also worth noting is that in the 3d model the belt boxes are a single mesh/part, the rivets/separation of the 2 boxes on the side are shown in the textures so they are in "reality" separate parts attached with rivets.
  8. In game it only uses one texture for all the leather bits, so in game the belt does have a slight texture as well. In some of the hi-res renders/promo images though the belts appear smooth, so you could argue that the belt should be smooth, and they just didn't bother giving it a smooth texture in-game since it was a minor detail. IRL you don't usually see textured leather belts because that kind of leather tends to be soft and and stretchy. The in game model does include the rivet - no other holes, but I think that's mainly because its a magical belt loop with no seams or adjustments.
  9. Definitely no attachments/straps etc in the model, just another magic attachment.
  10. To me it looks like an empty or half-empty pouch stuffed into the rig. I figured I’d make a pouch and stuff a bit of foam into it to get the same effect. maybe it’s snacks he’s saving for later.
  11. I'm showing it as roughly square, 33x34mm, so if you're going with 35mm for the width might as well say 35x35
  12. Looked at the in-game models and I'm coming up with similar measurements for the strap widths and the plastic strips, within a couple mm - definitely within the margin of error for this kind of stuff.
  13. Another view, I can't find any clear attachments either. Just magic.
  14. Here's some views of the in-game model of the tac vest. Like the other models, some of the details are only in the textures. Annoyingly, the tool I'm using to extract all this is having a problem extracting the vest texture, so for those the in-game screenshots are the best reference. I'll get some measurements as well.
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