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Detachment Costume Advisor[CMD-DCA]
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Gree23 last won the day on July 31 2024

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    Imperial Rough Rider Squad

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  1. Ok on the first picture, you want that red line to be as lined up with the green line as possible. closing that gap will make you look better. Trimming the area in the second photo will help you pull some of that in, and give you a better clearance when opening the face. just trim a little at a time as you can always trim more later, but putting it back is a royal pain. just take your time, you got this
  2. Yes sir let me see if I can get that for you. I know it would help alot.
  3. That will allow you to pull the face in more if needed to line up the sides. The biggest issue i see is the gap in the hood/visor and the sides
  4. SC has a top notch helmet. not sure why it isnt lining up. you will need to trim more off the top area between the face plate, hood area to pull the closer to the dome
  5. Your right side you might want to tighten up. You want the hood, face plate, and dome to all light up correctly with no gaps. You will also want to take some off the hood between the hood and the dome so that the face plate can properly and functionally move up and down to open the front of the helmet. If constructed properly, you shouldnt need to use anything to keep the faceplate closed. Who made the helmet please?
  6. Ill start working on it in between stuff then lol. Biggest thing I think is going to be getting the paint right. After that everything else should be easy
  7. Trying to clear in progress projects right now so I can jump on this. Might take some time but its on the to do list
  8. Everything looks good to me. Really enjoying the progress on this.
  9. I would recommend Studio Creations for all your armor needs
  10. Welcome to the shadows! Everything looks great so far! Mind if I ask who the files are from?
  11. Unfortunately, to me, that looks nothing like the reference photos.
  12. I like that. Doesnt HAVE to be there, but if it is it must match the tank.
  13. I feel like the flap is there, but due to the limitations of the design in the game it doesnt "hang" from the back. Im not really clear on the first two parts of your post as it seems like those issues are already handled, with both the thigh strap and the patch are clearly defined? Or am i completely missing your issue?
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