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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by OGRE

  1. Nice. I still have some blousers from my Army days sitting in a drawer.
  2. I just scored a pair of these from Amazon in size 14 for my big ol' hobbit feet. https://www.amazon.com/Hunters-Bay-Commuter-Fleece-Boots/dp/B07GY27HM3 Question: Are these 501st acceptable for IAE or just for IAS and IAT (when painted green) and if so will the appropriate detachment rep be recommending an update to the CRL? I ask because my jackboots no longer fit over my calves. If the commuters are not acceptable for IAE I'll just do some leatherwork on my jackboots and put these in the winter emergency gear box in the truck, they were only $15. Thanks in Advance. Ah, I looked more closely, messaging Blackwatch now.
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