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About Karpouzian

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  1. The helmet from wtf, other than that, eBay, Amazon, and your local army surplus store. Though the harness can be made relatively easily, one of the guys at wtf also makes them.
  2. Where did you find our gloves for your IA Engineer?

    1. Blackwatch


      ORiginally I found them on Ebay, a soft vinyl mens touch screen glove but I had to put my own squre on the back and it fell off after every troop because no glue would bond to the vinyl.  I finally got fed up and found a set of square hand backed padded riot gloves Neal found online, and after taking off the padding on the fingers (about an hour per glove with a seam ripper) they look  fine. its like this but full finger  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Black-Leather-Tactical-Finger-Less-Foam-Padded-Rappelling-Gloves/163513420668?var=462870365341&epid=1800025310&hash=item261228cb7c:m:mD3LmJ7BNLFMXKbdu_PusFQ

    2. Blackwatch
    3. Karpouzian


      Thanks.  I got a pair like that, I just noticed yours didn’t have the split down the wrist, but that makes more sense now.  Did you also just overlap the split, and sew it up like Neal did?

  3. Would it be possible to get some detailed photos of sapper backpacks (of approved/in progress sappers, I already have the source images).
  4. Sapper Patches: Aquired from Neal D. ("New" Run) Gloves: arrived too big, ordered replacements Web Harness: Arrived from Matt Nelson Belt: arrived Ammo Packs: perfect Helmet: Ordered Goggles: Arrived Chest Pouch: Ordered from Newegg of all places-arrived Belt Pouches: Arrived Boots: Owned - though may look at modding slightly Backpack: Haven't started Blaster: Built Jumpsuit(s): Arrived, waiting for seamstress Engineer: Cap: Sewing Jenny - I've had for a while Jumpsuit(s): Arrived, waiting for seamstress Patches: Aquired from Neal D. ("New" Run) Gloves: arrived Web Harness: Arrived from Matt Nelson Belt: arrived Belt Pouches: received Jackboots: Owned Goggles: Ordered E11 Blaster: Built
  5. Do they tend to run large, small, or just right?
  6. Not 100% sure which army crl I’ll use, but this is my start, thanks to Neal D.
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