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    Wampatrol Squad

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  1. Boy, that's a lot of costumes. You guys are convincing, so I guess I might stay. 😆 I already submitted an application for Legion-level access. My squad leader actually has a Shadow Trooper and his son has a Shadow Scout so the Death Trooper would be a nice pairing, but like I said I'm not sure I can pull it off. Another costume that caught my eye is the Army Trooper from Andor. There's not many vendors in my country and shipping is prohibitively expensive, so that's one of the main limitations with most costumes but especially with the more rare ones.
  2. Thanks. I had actually joined the forum looking to make a Death Trooper but it doesn't really fit my body type, which I know is not a requirement but I just like to look the part of the character. I'm now an official member after joining with a Bridge Crew last year and there are a few costumes here that interest me, but that's also true for too many detachments as well, not to mention the Rebel Legion and Mando Mercs which I'm also looking to join. Getting those costumes finished would take lots of time and effort, not to mention money.
  3. So I made this account a few years ago when I was first introduced to the 501st and in my excitement I planned a ton of costumes and joined various detachment forums. However, most of those costumes never made it past the drawing board and I don't see myself making a costume for this detachment in the foreseeable future. Is it possible to delete an account that I will no longer use? I'd prefer to close it for good instead of just abandoning it. Thanks in advance.
  4. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement,I already started saving to buy the kit from 850 and the helmet.This death trooper will be made no matter what!
  5. Thanks,I'm about 5"10" too and taller than the average so I at least look tall,fortunately I'm the second tallest of our patrol just behind our TR (the idea to start as a TR was to be in a pair,ironically he wants to make a Vader) so I guess I have the "minimum acceptable height",seeing that I'll be at least 6'0" in full armor.Was thinking of buying pading for the helmet as well.Also one of the reasons I want to buy the Armory Shop helmet is for presentation and because I really want one to add speakers to.Really want to make this but it might take me years though.?
  6. Also,what is the "proper" height and build to wear the death trooper? I don't want to look like a black armoured jawa.I'm 5'9" and about 170 lbs,a bit taller than the national average and the second tallet of my group just behind that TR,is that an "acceptable" height?
  7. Hello everyone,I apologize for my inactivity the last month,it's been a pretty busy month of exams but I finally got some time,I decided to get my clearance as soon as possible so I'll start with a bridge crew,I only need the hat and making some minor modifications and I'm all set for clearance to start trooping as soon as possible (this pic is from my first time wearing the flightsuit in an unofficial troop a few days ago),after this I'll most likely go with a TI,then an ST and the death trooper.I already got my friends' help for assembling a kit so I'll buy the finished helmet from ArmoryShop first,and then the 850 black kit and boots from Dr Martens,all soft parts will be made by my friends and I.Wish me luck!
  8. Thank you,holidays would be the best time for me,probably next year.Still looking for the boots in Mexico,gonna get them for christmas as a gift from my family.
  9. Thank you all for your responses,they've really helped me more than you could imagine.As of right now,ArmoryShop is my favorite choice for this,money is the problem,but I'll have a few years to save some money for it.Thanks for the link to the Etsy page,that would save me like 50 dollars compared to buying from the official page.My second option will be fiberglass and the last will be ABS.Do you know of any particular times or seasons when AP has sales or how to get promo codes?
  10. Thank you very much,reconsidering prices I might have to suck it for the weight,do you have any link for their kits? Most vendors in Mexico use a very heavy resin.
  11. I originally wanted a 3D-printed but it was too expensive for me,and a fiberglass would be too heavy,so I settled on ABS,perhaps if I get enough money I'll get a 3D-printed.
  12. Very ingenious,I might do the same,but I'll have to wait until the boots are available in my size again (13),until then I can save money for the kit and helmet and make the soft parts.Thank you!
  13. II havent't bought anything to start a WIP thread and I'm aware it will take me years to finish this.I'm gonna talk with my friend to see what soft parts he can make and buy the rest from IB or Endor Finders. I'm still not sure about the 850 helmet,free time to make a kit is already a luxury for me and more if you add a helmet to the list.I could start buying the boots though,small progress but it's a starting point at least.Has anyone bought the finished AS helmet? How did you attach the panel on the boots? I was thinking of a simple elastic or glue.
  14. I was thinking of ArmoryShop's helmet as it already has the LEDs integrated,but I'm not sure if I should get the kit with the helmet as I have never made a kit and I don't want to screw it.Do you have a link for the boots and the gloves? I've seen the websites and there are many models that look like the ones in the CRL. Also what soft parts will you make? My friend could make me the shirt and shorts,but I'm not sure about how does the panel on the boots must be attached?
  15. Did you buy the kit with the helmet? I was thinking of buying the helmet from Armory Props because I want to put it some LEDs,can you do that with the 850 helmet? Also,where did you get the soft parts? I was looking at IB's set and my only problem is with the boots and maybe the gloves,as a friend could make me the shirt and shorts
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