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  • 501st Garrison
    Imperial Sands Garrison

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    Star Wars, Star Trek (*hiss*), Firefly, Stargate, Historical Re-enactment.

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  1. Hey All, My 1st attempt at an AIT, with high boots and long gloves earlier CRL (Early War lol.) and my second attempt with bloused low boots and short gloves from a newer CRL (Mid war ) I still need to dye my gear, might have a hard time with the commuter boots as they've become very comfortable everyday boots lol. What is the modern accepted CRL say? I've seen the website but have heard different things from different people. As always, constructive criticism welcome. Thank you.
  2. these are these are awesome. Thank you. Are they per patch or are they per set (x2)?
  3. So how soon can they be available and purchased? :-)
  4. A little late to the party but I'll take 3 sets when they become available. Thank you.
  5. Cool, if there is anything I can do to help please let me know. I will order at least 2 or 3. Thanks
  6. Are there any current sources for patches? Are there any left over from the previous runs?
  7. Is there any word on new patches? Most vendors seem to be sold out.
  8. I think Payless bankrupted. I cant access their main website at all.
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