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Everything posted by PaHunter

  1. Thank you guys, I have spent the last few months studying FISD and the build threads here. So now it is time to start trimming. I am sure I will have questions along the way.
  2. Hello group, My name is Chris. I am a member of Garrison Carida, located here in PA. So my original plan was to do a Magma. But while waiting for the time to be right for it, low and behold there was a pandemic and WTF had a sale. So I ended up with a Shadow to build instead. This is my first armor build. My first build was the end of last summer when I made a Tusken Raider and was approved with it. I am hopeful that as we come out of this pandemic, we can start to have armor parties again here in PA. Having help is always so much less stressful. I have my kit, my undersuit, gloves, and boots from Imperial Boots(had a great sale). So I am on my way. Now to start and trim pieces and work toward getting this built and approved.
  3. Looks like a crazing issue. Could be too much solvent, paint not quite mixed long enough, or something to do with the propellant they used. Read you changed paints and all is well. Glad for that.
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