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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Hey troopers, i have the ICAT driver done and approved and figured that i should also do the mud trooper. I printed out the helmet, goggles, and respirator. Im trying to source the soft goods for the helmet goggles and respirator. I ordered the poncho, scarf and gloves . I just need to print out a new bicep. Im trying to figur out how to wear and attach the poncho to the armor and get it to hang right. Anyone have any tips? Im going to use the dye remover and dye it black soon. I dont think im too far off since i have the ICAT driver done already. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. Hey everyone. How close is the level 1 CRL to being done?
  3. Im going to finish printing the rest of the armor first before i order any soft goods, this is the first full armor set i am printing so I'm not convinced its going to work out! LOL! If it does work out ill do what you suggest and get the boots and try to match them the best i can. The helmet is missing parts in the picture but i do have all the parts for it. I did notice that it needs a little bit more work. Before final painting
  4. Definitely not Montana gold fire red
  5. I was reading somewhere that Montana gold fire red was most likely used to paint the armor. I know guys have been using ace banner red, I have a art supply shop by me and wa able to get a few cans of MG, going to give it a shot. I’ll post pictures once it drys up, going to shot the helmet.
  6. Can i use these gloves from endor finders? I think they match the proposed CRL
  7. So im off and running on printing the parts for the sith trooper. Im not investing in the soft parts until i get everything printed up and the armor is fitting. Im using the files that are in the first post. I bought them durning the Black Friday sale for $30, at that price I couldn’t pass it up and jumped all over it. Scaling has been challenging, i a bigger guy and I'm bought the armorsmith program to help figure it all out. I figure that i should start the arms first since that should be relatively easy to do. I have two printers, a Ender 3 Pro and a CR-10S. I was able to do all the arm parts in one pass, didn't have to cut anything up. I moved on the the AB’s and chest area. At first i was going to the chest but thought i should do the abs then fit the chest over the AB section . I had to cut the AB section into 4 parts for the CR-10 and since the back section isnt all that big i cut that up and put that on the ender 3. The helmet i found a file on thingiverse and it was a super easy print. Not sure if its a appovable helmet but figured why not! so im moving along hopefully i get everything printed and fitting sometime in January. Ill update the progression here. What the opinion on what red to use? I seen Montana gold fire red, ace banner red and a few others. Im a long way off from painting the armor but the helmet can be done soon.
  8. Thank you guys. I started printing the armor so I’ll see how it goes. To be honest I haven’t really studied the Sith trooper. And with not CRL done yet it’s kinda hard to figure out what’s right or wrong with armor sets. what do you see that’s missing on this set?
  9. Well not really but first to spec ops. I just bought these files https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/art/other/star-wars-ep9-the-rise-of-skywalker-sith-trooper-full-armor and plan on printing the armor. Looking forward to the build. Any advise?
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