Thanks for the critiques, I've added some to my change-log. Most will have to be applied when I do the retopology, as this High Def mesh has had the destructive - modifiers applied.
Indents in the cheek, should be 'C' Shaped
Cheek vents go back too far
Cheek tears should be larger, shaped to be more accurate and vents indented to them
Ear grebels to be changed to match better, specifically the brick-like pattern and Rivets
Belt boxes should be symmetrical, for the indentation on them
Hip stripe should be indented.
Replace jetpack heatsync blades with flush vent that should be indented like the blades.
Armor layers should be more obvious / parted. Move the grey layer further back.
This is an orthographic view of the BF model, next to mine. Thanks to your comment, I wouldn't have noticed my lack of a boxy outline on the vents. I think we're both wrong though. My model has 5 pillars, the BF model has 4, and then the frame around it.
There is some layering, though on the chest it was more of a seam, than parting. This is now on the to-do list
This point is certainly a discussion piece. The shoulders are more like the Rogue one, as I unintentionally made it so. Looking at it now, I don't think the armor would even have straps to begin with, as it looks like its part of the armor. Would really make this armor even bigger than its said to already be. This may be my lack of experience with any OT TK armor, to tell the difference but:
The BF Stormtroopers look to lack the strap cover thats present in the OT. Unless the larger square on the strap is the 'cover' and its always been molded with the strap itself, and not two separate pieces.
There isn't even any larger strap part at all detailed here. Though.....
The front part, the strap sits / grounds itself on-top of the 2nd layer of the chest plate / fitting into an extrusion piece of the 2nd layer.
The back part, it looks like the strap either goes underneath the 2nd layer of the back plate, or it goes into it, as if there's an indent / intrusion.
This post was made after I did this, but to wrap it up, I created the forearm armor, and the thighs.